Monday, June 13, 2016


I'm thinking today in the wake of pain over the weekend of what it means to be human and what the big picture is. I always draw back when I get too involved in my own world so I can see what the high-altitude view of the world is. In the end we all share this existence on a big blue ball in this universe. All of our struggles and individual ideas - how we express ourselves in this world - are an experiment in living and learning. Figuring out our individualism is part of the experiment.  I think that diving so deeply into the experiment that we forget our connectedness is when we hurt ourselves and each other - at least that’s what makes sense to me today.

What have I been up to?

Song of Pueblo was very nice last Friday in Walsenburg. We had a small but appreciative crowd on a beautiful evening. The stories flowed.

What am I up to this week?

This is the first very busy summer week.

Tuesday. First of all, I told you the wrong date for the show at Pioneer Park in Florence. It will be Tuesday evening starting at 6:00 with an old-fashioned potluck with sandwiches, bring-your-own side dish, a lawn chair, a smile, and your friends (from the fun poster). I should start playing around 7:00. It sounds like a great time to me. It's sponsored by the Cowboy Church at Crossroads in Florence. You might remember I played a Christmas show for them last year. They are great folks, and this should be fun.

Thursday night at 6:30 I start the barbeque at the Yellow Pine in Cuchara. This is my 15th season at the Yellow Pine (with taking off last year), and I'm looking forward to the grand folks in the big barn on a starry night. This is such a fun gig. If you haven’t been, it’s a great Texas-Style barbeque with all the fixin’s, my music, and marshmallow roasting and s’mores at the campfire.  It’s $25 for adults and $10 for kids 10 and under. Call 719-742-3528 for reservations.  They sell out quickly.

Friday 7-10 I’m playing with the group from La Veta (that we put together for the music festival and then decided to play elsewhere) at Sammie’s in La Veta. Last time out we had a great time, and I expect this time to be the same. We call it the “Jelly Jam” for no jelly, just jam(ming). It’s free and a lot of fun.

Saturday I have a private wedding party in La Veta for some very good friends.

That’s it for this week.  I hope I make it through. I love to play though, and I wouldn’t be caught doing anything else.

Best always,



Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing for the pot luck and concert in the park
Where:  Pioneer Park in Florence, CO
When:  Tuesday, June 14, 6:00 potluck with music to follow after 7:00

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing & singing at the Barbeque
Where:  Yellow Pine Guest Ranch, Cuchara.  719-742-3528
When:  Thursday, June 15, 6:30-8:30 pm

Who: Tom Munch playing with Jason White, George Galvan, Cass Cruz, Trudy Price, and Dennis Mills
What: Jelly Jam - playing music to dance to and enjoy
Where:  Sammie's in La Veta - just northeast of the tracks on the highway into town
When:  Friday, June 16, 7-10

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