Monday, September 29, 2014

Clearing My Head

Jen and I have been enjoying some travel time, and I always forget how much value there is in a change of scenery and a shakeup of my daily routine. I come to rely on the sameness and reliability of my schedule and my daily habits, and although it can be disconcerting to break this up, it can also bring perspective and real joy in discovering new feelings and curiosities in yourself and the world. I find I just have to let myself jump and trust the landing. The hardest part is maintaining connection to the world at home. I find I have to have two minds - one that's free and easy, and one that keeps track of time and day so I remember to check in and make sure I have a finger on what's coming up and happening at home. It's fun!

Highlights from Last Week

From last weekend I had a wonderful time at the Elite Outdoorsman Expo at the Robison Mansion in CaƱon City. I got to perform on the front porch of the grand ole place to a wide array of folks. I had several friends come out to see the event, and it was really enjoyable.

We spent a day in the High Road to Taos - visiting shops, galleries, historic sites, and drinking in the beauty of the mountains and mesas. We also spent a day in Chaco Canyon - rediscovering my fascination with archaeology and ancient cultures. I went to school for a degree in archaeology as a result of my first trip to Chaco when I was a boy. I changed majors when I realized that I couldn't learn the science I needed for the degree. I still love it though!

What's coming this week?

I have been asked to play again at the Sharlot Hall Folk Music Festival in Prescott, AZ on Saturday and Sunday. This was a blast last year, and I expect it will be again this year. I'm playing in the Sharlot Hall Theater on Saturday from 2-3, and then I'm doing an acoustic guitar styles workshop with Eric Ramsey and Terry Berrett at the Transportation Building on Sunday from 12-1 followed by a songwriters circle from 1-2 at the Sharlot Hall Building. I can't wait! If you're in the area or can make the trip, I'd love to see you.

So that's it for this week. I hope you're enjoying the lovely fall season we've been enjoying in southern Colorado.


Details for this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing
Where:  Theater at Sharlot Hall Museum, 415 W. Gurley St, Prescott, A. 928-445-3122
When:  Saturday, October 4, 2-3 pm

Who:  Tom Munch with Eric Ramsey and Terry Berrett
What:  giving a workshop on acoustic guitar styles
Where:  Sharlot Hall building, 415 W. Gurley St, Prescott, A. 928-445-3122
When:  Sunday, October 5, 12-1 pm

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing a songwriters circle
Where:  Transportation building, 415 W. Gurley St, Prescott, A. 928-445-3122
When:  Sunday, October 5, 1-2 pm

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