Highlights from the last two weeks
Magpies was a blast two weeks ago with a packed house and good friends and fun all around! I was in the mood for '60's and '70's tunes, so that's what we mostly did. Then last weekend I played twice for folks from Thrivent Financial, the group who inspired my blog post above. It's so nice to get to play for a group of people who care and who give back so generously!
What's up this week?
Thursday I get to play for the Council of State Governments West, a group I have played for several years annually. It's a fun event where I lead a sing-along for state representatives from all over the west who gather to learn more about how to govern responsibly. It always ends up being a great time!
Friday I'm back at Magpies 7-10 for another night "down under" in the Tap Room. I always enjoy everyone so much at Magpies, and I'd love to have you in the audience if you can make it.
Saturday at 7:00 we're having a special performance of the Song of Pueblo oratorio at the Old Towne Carriage House in Pueblo. We have gone independent of El Pueblo History Museum, and this is our first official performance as an independent entity all on our own. To celebrate, we've brought in the original composer of the Song of Pueblo, Daniel Valdez, for a reception following the concert where we get to share stories and remembrances of where we've come so far. I expect this to be a seriously fun affair! Tickets are $20, and can be purchased at the Pueblo Visitor Information Center located at the front of El Pueblo History Museum, 301 North Union, and also at Broadway Cup and Cork at Abriendo and Broadway in Pueblo. Doors open at 6:00.
So that's it for this week. I hope to see you if you can make it out to either of my public events.
Best always,
Details this week:
Who: Tom Munch with Johnny Watson, David Enke, & Alan Polivka
What: playing, singing, & telling the history of Pueblo at the Song of Pueblo oratorio
Where: Old Towne Carriage House, 102 South Victoria Ave, Pueblo.
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