Monday, June 22, 2015

Create Our Own Reality?

I'm revisiting an idea I've talked about before because I've run across it in my reading again - creating our own reality. The premise is that we create our space, physically and emotionally, that we live in just by the way we approach each day and what our attitude is. It's akin to having a positive attitude, but it seems to be a little different shade of meaning. It's as if we draw to ourselves the ideas and thoughts that we put out in the world. Sometimes I can see this directly when I start with a good feeling in the day and it spills over into how I interact with others and how I feel about each task and decision I come across. Sometimes I feel like things go wrong even when I start off right. So it doesn't always hold true for me - at least not the way I understand it so far. Still it seems to hold some truth for me, and so I will continue to explore it and see if I can use it in my life. And I find myself wondering how this relates to the "reality distortion" that was bandied about so much when Steve Jobs died and several of the articles and books about him talked about how he used this distortion to accomplish so many of the computer breakthroughs he was a part of. Maybe he was creating a similar reality of his own? How about you? Do you consciously think about this in your life?

What happened last week?

Monday I had a really great session in the studio with Don Richmond as I worked on my instrumental album. I recorded an old favorite, "The Water Is Wide", a new song with a Native American feel, "The Great Mysterious', and an improvisational collaboration with Don that is as-yet unnamed. It feels so good to be creative!

Saturday was a wonderful concert in Florence at the Bell Tower Cultural Center. It was a small but appreciative crowd, and between the fine acoustics and wonderful vibe of the old church-turned-cultural-center, I was inspired to go above and beyond. I wish you could have heard it!

Sunday I started off the season for the scout shows with a stellar group of young men and their adult advisors from Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware. I have several more of these shows in the upcoming two weeks. 

What's up this week?

Saturday I'm back at 8 Mile Bar and Grill by the Royal Gorge above Cañon City for the first time since last summer, except this summer I'm playing for lunch 11:45-1:45 instead of dinner. I really enjoy the staff, the ambience, and the fine folks who come out to enjoy 8 Mile. If you've never been, you'll really enjoy the food and atmosphere.  Please come out if you can. Then that evening I start a five-night run of shows for the Philmont-bound Boy Scouts that I wrote of before. This is very fulfilling work!

That's it for now. I'm still hoping that the Yellow Pine may start up the community barbecue on Thursdays again, and since I'm itching to play on Thursdays, I'm going to do an online house concert at a week from this Thursday on July 2nd at 7:00 MST. I'll write more about it next week including a link to the show. I hope you can make it. 



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing
Where:  8 Mile Bar and Grill, 45000 W. US Hwy 50, Cañon City.  (719) 275-1558

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