Monday, June 29, 2015

Does Life Get Faster with Age?

I’ve really noticed this past year more than ever before that I seem to have less free time.  I can’t really put my finger on why though.  I remember seeing a study once that said that our brains process things more slowly as we age, and that fact can make the normal pace of the world seem to go by faster as we perceive it.  I know that we have much more to distract us with technology and communication, and that may be a factor as well.  (There is a podcast called “Note to Self” that I listen to that grapples with this.)  And yet there seems to be something more to it for me.  I don’t think I’m losing my mind, but maybe I’m just not as able to deal with multiple things as well.  We’ve heard that multi-tasking is not good for us, and that we’re actually not capable of doing it as much as we think we can.  Shying away from multi-tasking is supposed to make us better people and more able to focus and be present, so maybe this is a good thing for me when life moves more slowly and deliberately.  Still my to-do list is longer than my arm and getting longer every day.  Ahh, maybe it’s time to put it away for a few days and do like one of my favorite summer songs says, “Let the Rest of the World Go By”.

What happened last week?

Saturday my lunch gig at 8 Mile Bar and Grill by the Gorge went very well.  I had quite a mix of rafters and folks stopping by for a bite during their busy Saturday.  I had some great fish tacos to top it off.

Saturday and Sunday nights and coming up the next three nights I have been and I will be performing for Boy Scout groups getting ready for their trip to Philmont Scout Ranch.  Philmont had quite a rain storm overnight Friday to Saturday which caused flash flooding along several streams.  One ran over campsites and swept away tents and even a cabin, and a scout unfortunately drowned.  It was very sad and of course is a reminder of the dangers in the wilderness.  My heart goes out to his family and all those affected by his death and all the other losses from the flooding.  So sad.

What’s up this week?

Thursday night at 7:00 (Mountain Daylight Time) I’m doing an online concert from my living room.  I haven’t done one of these for quite a while, and it’s partially because the service I was using, UStream, changed the way they handled their recorded video, and I had to copy off everything I had there.  I’m going to try a new service called Concert Window that has a lot of good points, including the ability to pay royalties for what is performed.  You can also chat with each other and send me requests and comments.  I really enjoy doing online concerts because it offers me a way to play for friends all around the country and share an evening across the wires, as it were.  Please join me if you can at Thursday night.


I’m back in the studio recording some more guitar tunes for my upcoming instrumental album.  This has really been fulfilling so far, and I’m anxious for you to hear the work I’ve been doing.

I’d better wrap and feed my hungry pets some lunch.  I hope to see you soon.  Have a wonderful Independence Day!

Best always,


Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing
Where:  online at
When:  Thursday, July 2, 7-8 pm

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