I’m wanting to write about keeping focused this week. I find as I go through this year that it’s really easy for me to lose track of either what I’m working on in a project or what I’m heading towards in general in this chapter of my life. Of course, I expected some soul-searching activity after my mother’s passing, and age also leads to some fuzziness of direction sometimes, but as I weigh the important bits of my life I find that daily I have to determine just where to point myself. Sometimes this is kind of nice (if I’m not bouncing from crisis to crisis) to go with the flow of each day and let my time be spent where my interest lies. But I have a lot of interests, and I could easily go down the rabbit hole of the putterer (and I really want to save that for my old age! ☺). So what do I do to bring some focus into my life each day? Well, I have a running list of to-do’s that help somewhat, but that sometimes is just busy putterer work, so the best thing for me seems to be to look at the big picture again of what brings joy and love to myself and those around me. That is a very broad view that pulls me back to where I want to be at this point in my journey, and then I can dig down to the level I need for today. Just a thought that helps me focus. How about you?
What have I been up to?
Magpies was a lot of fun the last time out. We did a bunch of variety including some fun Motown songs and Glenn Frey tunes. Then I had a bunch of Valentine’s gigs with some Mardi Gras tunes thrown in for good measure. Highlights included playing a Valentine’s Day dinner in Cañon City for the First Christian Church ladies. I even got to play a wonderful private party at the Songbird Cellars on Union in Pueblo - a really cool venue for live music and wine if you haven’t been there yet!
What’s up for this week?
I’m playing Magpies Friday 7-10, and I haven’t decided what direction to go yet tune-wise. Any ideas? I’ll try not to “jump the gun” on Irish tunes until March, even though I’d love to sing some.
I also have a private sweetheart dinner at the Oddfellows in Cañon City for any of you that might have a connection there. They’re a great group of folks that I always enjoy.
That’s about it for now. The preparations for the Song of Pueblo at the Arts Center the weekend of April 15-17 are in full swing. It should be a great series of special shows with many additions that you won’t see anywhere else. Get tickets at the Arts Center box office as soon as you can.
Best always,
Details this week:
Who: Tom Munch
What: playing & singing
Where: Magpies, 229 S. Union, Pueblo. 719-542-5522
When: Friday, February 19, 7-10 pm
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