Monday, February 29, 2016

Choose Joy

I’ve been thinking about life again.  I have a friend from school who is going on a third bout with cancer.  Her family posted a great picture over the weekend of her in bed with everyone in T-shirts surrounding her that read “choose joy.”  I think she has tapped into what is most important in life - especially in the midst of stressful times - choosing to be grateful for life and loved ones.  This makes us joyful and happy.  It’s so easy to focus on what’s bad in the world and our lives, but time and again the ones who are happy and loving win the day.  In the long run isn’t that all that matters?

What have I been up to the last few weeks?

I played for the Odd Fellows group in Cañon City a couple weeks ago for a sweetheart dinner which went really well.  It was lightly attended, but we had a very good time sharing food and music.

Then Magpies was a great time doing a big mix of music for a varied group.  I love playing at Magpies.

We had a great rehearsal at the Arts Center preparing for the Song of Pueblo shows in April there.  We got to try out a fogger and a hazer as well as trying our new stage arrangement with risers and the Arts Center dancers.  This is going to be a special show!

Where am I this week?

Friday I’m at Magpies 7-10 down under again.  I always enjoy everyone there, and I’d love to see you if you can make it.  I’ll sneak a few Irish songs in preparation for St. Patrick’s Day, and I’m thinking of doing some cowboy songs.

What’s on the horizon line?

The Song of Pueblo shows are shaping up really well for April 18-20.  Call the Arts Center box office for tickets.  719-295-7200

My instrumental guitar album is almost done.  I posted a photo of the artwork to my Facebook and Twitter feeds today which you might have seen.  Here are links if you want see:
Facebook -
Twitter -
The mastering is done but for a final listen too.  I may have this in hand and ready for a CD release at Magpies in April.

I have a bunch of summer bookings as well even though I’m going to have to take some time off to wrap up my mom’s estate.  You can see those on my calendar on my website -

That’s it for this week.  Thanks for you.



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing & singing
Where:  Magpies, 229 S. Union, Pueblo.  719-542-5522
When:  Friday, March 29, 7-10 pm

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