I’m excited for the eclipse today, and I find it curious how people are reacting to it. Some are ho-hum and some are very enthused. For me my excitement stems from being reminded that the universe is a huge and powerful thing, and our problems are small in comparison. We are part of this magnificent universe, and being able to witness its power and beauty is a realization of this. As we’ve often heard we are stardust and are literally made from the energy and the stuff of the cosmos. The eclipse is a very real way of remembering this, and I think we can feel it in our bones. So enjoy this cosmic reminder today, and don’t look directly at the sun. I have eclipse glasses, but I plan to use a pinhole in a card shining on a piece of paper as well as watching it on the NASA YouTube channel https://youtu.be/wwMDvPCGeE0
What have I been up to?
Wednesday the concert with the trio was a blast! We haven’t played together for a year, and so we were a little rough on a couple songs, but the amount of fun we had was over the moon.
Thursday night at the Yellow Pine was indeed the last barbeque of the season. We had a good night with a lot of great folks and friends, and we wrapped up the year in fine fashion. I’ll miss seeing all the folks there, and I’m looking forward to next summer already.
Friday night at PDubs was a little slower than usual with folks gearing up for school and getting ready for the eclipse, but we sure had a good time. Brad sat in on a bunch of tunes, and even though I was a little tired from several late nights there was plenty of energy for some great tunes.
Sunday the Feedstore Concert was just perfect. There was enough cloud cover and no rain so that everyone was comfortable and the music was free-flowing. Thanks to everyone who came out.
What’s up this week?
Sunday 4-7 I’m playing with the trio for the Mountain Luau at the Rec Center in Cuchara which is a fundraiser for the La Veta Fire Protection District. It’s a pig roast with beer and wine and all the trimmings and should be a lot of fun. Tickets are $35 each and are available from Paula Berg at 719-742-3565 or paulafberg@centurytel.net. It is selling out quickly so call now if you want to come.
I just have the one gig this week to report. The season is starting to slow down, and I need to take a couple days to help close our family cabins for the season.
Details this week:
Who: Tom Munch, Trudy Price, and Dennis Mills
What: playing for the Mountain Luau
Where: Cuchara Community Center, 16500 CO-12, La Veta.
When: Sunday, August 27, 4-7 pm
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