Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Independence Day Memories

I can't believe it's July already.  And it's much cooler this week which is a wonderful change.  And I've been singing patriotic songs and thinking about fun things we did on Independence Day in the past.  When we were kids we didn't need an excuse to blow things up, but firecrackers were great for planting in ant hills and taking apart old toys.  The family firework lighting in the evening was always great fun too.  We usually lit them at a lake where we could watch the folks on the other side of the lake fire theirs off and reflect in the water towards us while we did the same for them.  Of course the fireworks seemed to be pretty simple (fountains, Roman candles, and bottle rockets) compared to the elaborate displays you can see nowadays.  They were still pretty and fun to light off!  One of my favorite memories was the year we came back from a trip along the interstate in Nebraska.  All the little towns along the Platte river and the I80 were north of the highway just far enough that you could see them from the interstate easily, and each town's firework display was like a moving light show as we drove along the interstate.  It was really special!  Then when I married Jen we started going to our local town's display where we had some memorable nights watching the beautiful colors dance in the sky as we shared our new life's beginning.  Today we have pups that are very frightened of the sound and fury, so we mostly stay at home with fans running to mask the sound of any fireworks in the neighborhood.  The displays on TV are fun to watch though, so we appease our pyromaniac tendencies and love of the colors that way - we just keep the sound down so the pups don't get shaky.  So I hope you have a lovely Independence Day, and I'll be out playing all around the holiday.

So where am I playing this week?

Wednesday and Friday I'll be at the La Veta Inn 6-9.  I'll tell you again, I've had some really great folks down there with some beautiful nights on the patio.  I really get a chance to be "in the moment" in this space and time, and it's a great place to be of an evening.  Come on down if you can!

Thursday the Yellow Pine is taking the week off from the barbecue since there's so much going on in town, so I'm thinking of going to the rodeo in Cimarron, New Mexico during the day.  A lot of old Philmont friends still go down every year, and I'm looking forward to seeing them and catching up and maybe picking a few tunes too.

Friday I'm at the La Veta Inn 6-9 like I mentioned on Wednesday above.

Sunday I'm back at Shadow Hills for brunch 10-1.  We had a spectacular time last week with old friends and very yummy food!  This week should be just as good, so come out for brunch if you're in the area.

I have some private gigs in the cracks like playing for the rafting Boy Scout groups like I do ever summer, so I'm plenty busy.

That's it for this week.  Have a great Independence Day, and Happy 237th Birthday to our great nation!



Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing & singing
Where:  La Veta Inn, 103 W. Ryus Ave, La Veta.  719-742-3700
When:  Wednesday, July 3, 6-9 pm

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing & singing
Where:  La Veta Inn, 103 W. Ryus Ave, La Veta.  719-742-3700
When:  Friday, July 5, 6-9 pm

Who:  Tom Munch
What: playing and singing for brunch
Where:  Shadow Hills Golf Course, 1232 County Rd 143, Canon City.  719-275-0603
When:  Sunday, July 7, 10 am-1 pm

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