Monday, January 23, 2017

Trust and Respect

I’ve been trying to decide what to write about today.  I’m struggling with how to talk about the issues of our time.  I’ve decided that it all comes down to trust and respect.  In any relationship the first thing that has to be established is a trust between two people based on mutual respect.  If you can’t establish this then a relationship can’t be formed.  If you can’t form a relationship then you can never carry on in any meaningful way with the other person, and so you’re at a standstill.  Trusting another person is an act of faith and of good manners.  It’s easier to be suspicious of the other person and on guard.  I’m reminded of a "Star Trek, The Next Generation" TV episode where the ships of Captain Picard and the Romulan Commander Tomalak were at a standstill ready to fire at each other.  One had to lower his shields to rescue stranded crew members of both crews.  The trust that had to occur established the beginning of their relationship.  I see this as an example of how we all get along in a society.  We all have different ways of looking at our world, but we have to have a trust and respect for each other to function each day - from yielding to another at a traffic stop to deferring to another in a world negotiation.  Trust and respect make us human, and they are encompassed in the kind of love that is expressed in everything from the Bible to the Beatles.

What have I been up to?

Friday night was a blast last week at Magpies.  I took five different guitars including a resonator and an electric guitar and swapped out every couple songs for the night.  We went from Texas songwriters to folk music to you-name-it.  It was great fun!

Saturday night was a concert at the Bell Tower Cultural Center in Florence.  I had a good crowd in the old converted church where I did songs off my albums and told a couple bad jokes.  It was a very exciting night all-in-all with some fine folks!  My fingers surprised me with some very wild licks on the guitars.

What's up this week?

Friday night 6-9 I’m at PDub Brewing Company Taproom in Pueblo West.  I told you a little about this place last week.  My good friends Rick and Dedre Rosendale have been helping their daughter Amanda and son-in-law Brad Schoolland with this new business this year - especially since Brad had a rollover accident and had to be put in rehab for his injuries back in October.  They have great craft beers, sandwiches, and salads that are made right on the premises in addition to wine, mixed drinks, and sodas.  It’s a great little place to enjoy an evening, and I’m proud to help expose them to a broader audience.  So come on out and help support this great establishment!

That’s it for this week.  I trust and respect you, my friends.

Best always,


Details this week:

Who: Tom Munch
What: singing and playing
Where: PDub Brewing Company Taproom, 181 S Purcell Blvd, Pueblo West, 719-647-8864
When: Friday, Jan 27, 6-9 pm

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