Monday, May 22, 2017

In the Weeds

I’m looking out the back window watching for the rain and contemplating a little noodling on my guitar.  All around there are weeds popping up and gaining steam from all the rain we’ve been having, and in my guitar case there is every pick known to man as I have been experimenting with all kinds of different techniques of getting sound out of a guitar.  In both cases I find myself lost in the weeds.  Our daily walking path and property will soon be overgrown with summer growth, and my guitar playing is full of variables too myriad to mention.  I’m not panicking although I do need to make a plan to take care of both of them so I don’t get overwhelmed.  Each one also presents endless variety and possibility for beauty - with the growth there will be beautiful wildflowers and richness from the earth, and with the guitar there will be new textures of sounds and possibilities for exploration and expression of passion and excitement.  Maybe being “in the weeds” is not such a bad thing.

What have I been up to?

I forgot to thank everyone who tuned into my online concert two weeks ago.  It was so much fun playing for you and seeing all your comments.  It’s really a neat way of reaching out sharing an evening!

Last Friday at PDubs was a blast with lots of good friends - some I hadn’t seen in quite some time.  Brad Schoolland sat in for a bunch of tunes, and the beer tasted so good.  Thanks to all who came and made it possible.

What's up this week?

Saturday at 7:30 I’m playing a concert for Coyote Creek Concert series in Elizabeth, Colorado, at the city park pavilion.  Concerts are such a great way to play music!  I get to stretch out and put all myself into the performance in a way that I don’t get to very often at other venues.  If you’re anywhere in the area please come out.  It's part of Elbert County Music and Art, a non-profit group that does lots of good things in Elbert County.  Tickets are $12 at the door or $10 in advance at their website -

Almost forgot - this afternoon I’ll be helping to teach a class in music appreciation at Adams State College remotely.  This is a cool thing.  I get to share some of my experiences in music with young, budding musicians.

What's on the horizon?

Summer will be here before we know it, and I have a bunch of events coming up - Yellow Pine Guest Ranch barbecues, PDubs, private parties, weddings, Boy Scout shows, Art in the Park in La Veta, Bull Moose in Guffey, Philmont, online concerts, Feed Store Concert in Westcliffe, Royal Gorge Bridge, and lots more.  Stay tuned!

That’s it for this week.  Hope to see you soon!

Best always,


Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing at concert for Coyote Creek Concert series
When:  Saturday, May 27, at 7:30 pm
Where:  City park pavilion in Elizabeth, Colorado, Tickets - $12 at the door or $10 in advance at the website -

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