What have I been up to?
Wednesday night's concert at Philmont was an absolute blast. I saw so many friends at the reunion dinner before I played, and then a lot of them stuck around for my concert. I dropped one of my guitars on the stage when the strap slipped off just seconds before I started so I was a little thrown off for starters (the guitar just got a “flesh wound.”) But I recovered quickly. Ellyn Washburne sat in and sounded great! Such a fun night!
Thursday at the Yellow Pine was a big family reunion group, and it was also a fine time. My good friends Ben and Cathy brought Cathy's mother and a friend out to celebrate her mom's 93rd birthday. She’s a hoot! Happy Birthday!
Friday I played a wedding and reception in Cuchara for a very nice couple. I had a moment of panic at the wedding when I forgot how one of the songs went, but I covered it okay. Got to love my aging brain some days. 😉 Congrats to Abu and Megan!
Saturday was another concert at Philmont for a mostly different group of folks. I saw some more old friends that were so good to greet and embrace. Ellyn Washburne sat in again, and Rod Taylor joined me for several tunes. It was grand!
What’s up this week?
Monday (today as I write this) I’m playing at the Royal Gorge Bridge 12:30-4:30 on the stage next to the bridge on the south side. I haven’t played solo at the bridge in a while, so I’m looking forward to it.
Thursday I’m back at the Yellow Pine Barbeque 6:30-8:30. I’ve been loving playing for folks at the old barn, and the valley is as beautiful as ever. If you want to come, call by Monday evening to make a reservation at 719-742-3528.
Sunday at 7:00 MDT I’m doing another online concert from our living room ay concertwindow.com/tommunch. It’s so great to sing for friends from all over the country, and I really enjoy the comments. I haven’t picked a theme for this month yet, but it’ll be something interesting. Please tune if you can.
That’s it for this week. Hope you are well and happy.
Best always,
Details this week:
Who: Tom Munch
What: playing and singing
Where: South side of the Royal Gorge at the Royal Gorge Bridge on the stage just off the bridge
When: Monday , July 31, 12:30 am-4:30 pm
Who: Tom Munch
What: playing & singing at the Barbeque
Where: Yellow Pine Guest Ranch, Cuchara. 719-742-3528
When: Thursday, August 3, 6:30-8:30 pm
Who: Tom Munch
What: playing and singing
Where: online at https://www.concertwindow.com/
When: Sunday, August 6, 7-8ish pm MDT