Monday, December 28, 2020


When I was walking this morning with Beau before the sunrise I was overwhelmed once again by a feeling of oneness with the earth and sky and everything in it. This happens to me quite often. It’s one of the reasons I like to get up early and walk when everything is quiet and peaceful. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - I think we really are one with everything down at the quantum level, and this includes our consciousness. This is something that feels very concrete to me and not woo-woo in any way. It’s something I’ve felt over and over since I was a small child. It’s why I wasn’t afraid when I was in a house being struck by a tornado when I was a teenager. It’s why I didn’t panic when I couldn’t open my eyes for a day when I was deep in the woods and had to be guided down to a doctor who could administer anesthesia and antibiotics to my damaged eyes. It’s why I have felt comfort even when loved ones died. It’s why I feel peaceful whenever I find chaos all around me. I just feel an overwhelming oneness in a way that lets me know that when bad things happen I am ultimately okay no matter where I end up - even if it’s in death. I know it may sound crazy to you, but it’s what I’ve always felt deep in my bones. Do you ever feel this way?


What have I been up to?

Thursday playing for the Christmas-Eve Cuchara Chapel service was a lot of fun. I had several folks from some of our weekly concerts join in as well.

Saturday my show for Philmont folks was great too. It’s such a wonderful thing to get together with old friends whom you have shared meaningful experiences with. Many reunions are like this. 

Sunday my online show was an amazing experience! The energy was electric, and everyone felt warmth and friendship with the music and camaraderie. These Sunday-night events are taking on a life of their own. I played several different small guitars that don’t see much use, and each one spoke it’s little voice of truth to boost the evening. 


What am I up to this week?

I’ll be recording some shows for my senior facilities this week for January. I think I’ve finally settled into a new reality since I can’t see any of these folks in person - even outdoors now. I haven’t made any contacts with the national facilities yet, but I’d still like to do that as well if any of them can use my services. 

Thursday 7-8:30 mountain time my online show will feature party music for New Year’s Eve. I’ll even break out the electric guitars to do some old rock and country tunes. It should be quite a night. I’d love to have you if you’d like a celebratory evening in the safety of your own home with my music. 

Sunday 7-8:30 mountain time is my favorites and requests show. I haven’t looked at all the requests that came in from last night’s show, but we’ve been having some really great suggestions lately. As always I’d love to have you in my audience. We have such an accepting and genuine group of folks, and there’s always something special that happens on these evenings. 


That’s it for this week. I hope that you can send out 2020 with a bang and welcome in 2021 with anticipation and hopefulness. I sure plan to. 

Best always,



Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of party songs for New Year’s Eve

Where: and  

When:  Thursday, December 31, 7-8:30 pm mountain time 

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests 

Where: and  

When:  Sunday, January 3, 7-8:30 pm mountain time 

Monday, December 21, 2020

Solstice and Christmas

 There is something mystical about today, the winter solstice. Many cultures planned big doings and religious events around this day. You can find all kinds of buildings and art dedicated to understanding the alignment of the sun and moon and planets. It’s no coincidence that Christmas is near the solstice. There is just something in the air and the land and the cosmos and how we relate to it. I can feel it in my bones. I tend to be more tuned into these things, and I appreciate the significance that ancient folks placed on this day. They had wisdom that we have forgotten over the years as we insulate ourselves more from the changes of the seasons and the days. I’m not going to get all woo-woo on you today, but I wanted to encourage you to tune in to what the earth is going through on this day of the changeover. Someday we will all understand how these physical forces affect us and are part of us. And that’s one of the reasons I feel Christmas in my very being. It’s tied into me in ways I don’t quite understand. I hope the spirit of rebirth and ancient wisdom pervades you and buoys your spirit into a wonderful solstice and Christmas Day this week!


What have I been up to?

I recorded a few shows for my senior facilities last week, and I’ll do a few more this week. It’s a different procedure imagining what your audience will be thinking and doing when they listen to your music. I kind of have to put myself in a certain zone to make it work. I have to check in more often with the folks after-the-fact as well to make sure it’s being received in the way I’m putting it out. 

My Thursday show doing Christmas tunes was a blast and very well-received. I had a bigger than usual group, and I did a few new-to-me Christmas songs as well.

My Sunday show was fun too with a few Christmas songs left over from Thursday and also some wonderful new tunes and old favorites. I was honored to have some wonderful musicians tune in and comment including Bill Hearne and Steve Garry.


What am I up to this week?

I won’t be doing a regular live show this Thursday on Christmas Eve on Facebook and my website, but I will be doing some of the music for a virtual Zoom chapel service for Cuchara Chapel at 5:00 mountain time that you’re welcome to come and watch. Also performing will be Eldaa Royer and Peggy Hoobler. Being that it’s on Zoom you have to register on Zoom to get the link to watch. Here’s the link to register - It’s a totally no-commitment show, and you won’t get any additional emails or contact after the show. There’ll be lots of music and a wonderful Christmas story read my British friend Mark Worgan. It’s worth it just to hear his wonderful baritone voice. Hope to see you there!

Saturday 7-9 mountain time I’m doing a winter show for my Philmont friends online that promises to be a fine time as well. It’s on a group on Facebook I created just for doing these concerts, and if you’re Philmont alumni or friends you are most welcome to join in. It’s called Tom Munch Philmont Songs Concert Group, and the link is

Sunday 7-8:30 mountain time I’ll be doing my regular online show of favorites and requests. This last week was so enjoyable that I don’t know if we can top it, but I’m willing to try. Come on out, and throw me some requests in a reply to this email if you’d like to hear something special. 


Looking forward

I’m doing a New Year’s Eve party of sorts with an online show on New Year’s Eve of party songs and favorites. It’ll be at the regular time - 7-8:30 mountain time, and I’d love to have you if you’re looking for a wonderful and safe evening of friendship and music.


That’s it for this week. I hope you enjoy this week of festivities and this day of solstice. This life can be a challenge, but the ride is well worth it!

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing for a Christmas Eve chapel service on Zoom with other talented performers


When:  Thursday, December 24, 5-6 pm mountain time 

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert for Philmont friends and alumni


When:  Saturday, December 26, 7-9 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests 

Where: and  

When:  Sunday, December 27, 7-8:30 pm mountain time 

Monday, December 14, 2020


 I was feeling some angst this morning as I was rushing around doing my morning routine, and as always that made me want to explore it and write about it. I hope you'll indulge me yet again. I don't know how you are when you feel pressure whether it's self-imposed or external, but I think we all have felt the increase in pulse and the nervousness that stress puts into our bodies and brains. As different body-produced chemicals flow through our veins and brains they create all kinds of feelings and responses. I usually can separate myself from them, but there is no doubt that they are very powerful. It's easy to see how others can use these against us too. That's part of the reason I have always worked for myself. My wife always took jobs where she worked for others, and I know that is the norm for most people, but I found it very stressful when I had a boss who pushed me even though I sometimes needed it. So how do you deal with angst? I usually try to put myself on a higher plane ñ realizing that most stressful things are not that important in the big picture, and that I am part of something bigger than the anxious responses of my body and brain. I won't get all woo-woo on you, but I will say that I believe we shouldn't take things too seriously. We are here to love and to be joyful aside from the learning we are always doing for some purpose that we can't fully understand yet. I have dedicated myself to music and spreading goodwill, and I think having a mindset like that of helping others no matter what your job is will help to deal with angst. That's a very small thing, but I hope it helps.


What have I been up to?

Last week I only did pre-recorded shows for my senior facilities other than one online show. They are almost all on lockdown with their residents confined to their rooms. That is really hard on folks, so I'm trying to make shows that can be watched by individuals in their rooms on a laptop, tablet, or smartphone. I hope it's making a difference to them. We do what we can.

My Thursday online show was the first of two shows of Christmas and seasonal songs. It was so much fun! I love this music although I honestly am having difficulty getting in the Christmas spirit this year with COVID. The songs mean so much to me, and I am delivering them with all the sincerity I can, but the stirring in my soul is not happening as much this year. It's just hard not being with people in person for hugs and sharing Christmas cheer. I am trying though.

My Sunday online show was more mellow and thoughtful - partly because of the requests that had been made, and partly because of my choice in what requests I played. We did some upbeat and crazy stuff too, but I reveled in the quiet and beautiful songs more than I usually do.


What am I up to this week?

I only have one online show for my seniors on Tuesday, and hopefully I can connect with some of my other facilities on lockdown and record some shows for them to use as they see fit. I haven't given up on the national facilities either, although I haven't done enough on that front yet. 

I am contemplating expanding my YouTube channel to do more videos featuring songs and tips. I have a feeling I won't be doing more than my online shows well into next summer since I am fairly healthy and probably will be in the last wave of vaccinations. Let me know if this is something you'd seek out and watch. I'd have to make time for this and improve some of my video equipment to do this ñ as well as doing some learning about better video production. 

Thursday 7-8:30 mountain time my online show will feature Christmas and season songs again. There are so many wonderful songs we didn't get to last week, and I honestly miss being able to perform them. I will probably record and add some Christmas songs to my public domain YouTube channel. Did you know I have a channel with over 130 songs public domain posted? Check it out - 

Sunday 7-8:30 mountain time my online show will feature favorites and requests as always. I always say how much I look forward to these shows, and it's true. I spend a lot of time working on songs for these shows for days and weeks sometimes, and I love getting to share them with a little bit of encouragement and fun to folks who appreciate it. Come on by sometime. You're always welcome!


What's on the horizon?

I won't be doing a Thursday show on Christmas Eve since that is family time, although I will be singing at a service for Cuchara Chapel that evening at 5:00 mountain time. It's a non-denominational Christian Zoom service with a lot of music and stories that you are welcome to watch. Being that it's on Zoom you have to register to get the meeting number and password. Here's the link ñ It's a one-off show so you won't get any more than the confirmation email from Zoom of the registration and a reminder email from Zoom the day of the service. 

I will be doing a New Year's Eve show since that falls on a Thursday, and I think it would be a lot of fun! That'll be the same time as our usual Thursday shows ñ 7-8:30 on my Facebook page and my website - and 


That's it for this week. We're plugging away trying to be safe and waiting for the vaccine. It has taken pretty good patience, and the worst is yet to come as we get into the dead of winter. Keep spreading the love and joy, folks, and don't let the angst grab you. There is too much to live for.

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of Christmas and season songs 

Where: and  

When:  Thursday, December 17, 7-8:30 pm mountain time 

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests 

Where: and  

When:  Sunday, December 20, 7-8:30 pm mountain

Monday, December 7, 2020

Christmas in COVID

 I'm contemplating Christmas this year. We're staying isolated through the holidays because of the virus, and without all the activities and interaction of the holidays it's more difficult to put myself in the spirit. I'd normally be doing loads of Christmas music at all my senior facilities and concerts ñ telling stories and letting the holiday spirit flow through me. I'm sort of put in mind what it must have been like for folks in previous centuries like pioneers and settlers who made Christmas at home with simple decorations and their own traditions of music, food and gifts. The hardest part is to let go of the worry that lingers with the virus and unrest so that the spirit can truly engulf you. I'm reminded that folks in similar circumstances have cherished Christmas in hard times ñ sometimes even more than not-so-hard times. It is a time of reflection on what is good in life as the days shorten ñ family, health, and love. Those are things we always value, but holidays bring them out even stronger. And Christmas brings a more spiritual and sacred aspect somehow even to those who are not religious. The story of the child and new birth couched in love and forgiveness can speak to us all of hope and reconciliation. I say it every year: let the spirit of this season permeate you and surround you in thoughts of love and generosity. We always have love to give. You just have to tap it and let it flow.


What have I been up to?

Last week I only had a couple senior facilities online again. It has been warm, but with the increased cases no one is wanting to have any music in person even at a distance, and that is a good idea. I'm still reaching out to my facilities with clever ways to provide music and encouragement to their residents.

My Thursday show doing train songs was quite fun! There are so many songs about trains, and so many of them really capture the romance and reality of being around and on trains. We had a lively group of friends come out and enjoy the camaraderie and songs.

My Sunday show was filled with new music to me, and I think the folks are always entertained and curious how I'll interpret a song in one genre or another. I love all kinds of music. It is so much fun to plug into a song and the emotions of the story and how it is received and what memories it brings about. Music is a thrilling thing all around.


What am I up to this week?

My Thursday online show 7-8:30 mountain time will be the first of two shows of Christmas music. I'll do one the next Thursday as well and then take off the Thursday that is Christmas Eve. I won't do a particular type of theme for this Christmas show, but I'll take some requests if folks have them. I have enough traditional and new Christmas music to fill probably eight shows, so we'll have some wonderful nights of music. Come on out and get in the spirit!

Sunday night 7-8:30 I'll do favorites and requests again. I keep writing how much fun these shows are for both me and the listeners, but you really have to experience it to believe it. There is such genuine interaction and love between folks that it is truly a blessing to be involved in. I'm so fortunate to have the friends and supporters I have. I have a bunch of great songs I'm already working on.

Again I'll remind you that I'll be doing a New Year's Eve show on the last Thursday of the month from 7-8:30 mountain time. That should be a fun online party, and you won't have to stay up 'til midnight to attend it!


That's it for this week.  I hope you are doing well and are staying safe. I know that a few people in my group have caught COVID and are doing okay with it. We have also had folks with losses from the virus and other things in the last few weeks, and my heart goes out to them as I feel the pain of loss myself. The holidays can be a rough time on all of us, but a little love and cheer goes a long way. I'll keep giving it, and I hope you will too.




Details this week: 

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of Christmas songs 

Where: and  

When:  Thursday, December 10, 7-8:30 pm mountain time 

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests 

Where: and  

When:  Sunday, December 13, 7-8:30 pm mountain

Monday, November 30, 2020


I'm doing a deep dive on train songs in preparation for my Thursday night show of train songs, and it has me thinking of all that trains represent in our history and mythology. I have no doubt that part of the reason we have so many songs about trains is because a train rolling down the rails has an infectious rhythm that many a musician has played along to. The whistle and horns were always musical too, which added to the audible appeal. Beyond that though, the railroad represented ingenuity and drive that is unparalleled in its thundering forward progress. And it represented the romantic notion of a fresh start and the excitement of a journey to far-away places. The whistle brought sorrow to those being left behind, and hope to those boarding for opportunity. And the jouney is the most universal appeal of a train, and it spills over into all modes of travel. That's why there are so many stories about journeys going all the way back to the Odyssey. And it's really about life. We always hear that the journey is the most meaningful thing in life. I believe it's why we're here - to experience the journey. So come along with me on this train journey for the romance, the thrill, and the love of life.


What have I been up to?

Last week I just had a few senior facilities, and one of them was even outside amazingly on Saturday. It was just barely warm enough for me to set up outside and play to an open door where a dozen or so residents sat with jackets and blankets enjoying the music. I love these folks, and it's so sad to see how lonely they are without all the normal interaction they've come to know. This virus can't end soon enough.

Thursday's online Thanksgiving show was an interesting mix of Thanksgiving songs and songs about nature. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and it was good to provide some family for so many friends - me included!

Sunday's online show was an eclectic mix of songs that was so much fun. I keep thinking that these shows will not be as exciting as the virus weeks drag on, but every week seems to supersede the previous one in enthusiasm and goodwill all around. I look forward to them so much.


What am I up to this week?

Christmas is starting to appear on the horizon now that Thanksgiving has passed, and I will start to do Christmas songs bit by bit until we reach full Christmas spirit by the 25th.

I just have a couple online senior facilities this week. I'm still considering pursuing some national facilities if the opportunity arises.

Thursday 7-8:30 mountain time I'll be doing an online show of train songs as I mentioned above. This promises to be a really fun show with lots of engaging tunes. I hope you'll tune in.

Sunday 7-8:30 mountain time is my online favorites and requests show. If you have any favorite tunes you'd like to hear please send them on. 

As a note, you can make comments on my website page for my online concerts now if you're tuned in there and not on Facebook. I'd love to hear from you if you're watching there. I know it's not as engaging as being part of the group on Facebook, but maybe we can change that if enough folks join in.


That's all for this week. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and were careful. Again I say that this virus can't be over soon enough, so let's do our best to make it so. Love to everyone, and I hope your holiday season is starting out well.




Details this week: 

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of train songs 

Where: and  

When:  Thursday, December 6, 7-8:30 pm mountain time 

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests 

Where: and  

When:  Sunday, December 9, 7-8:30 pm mountain

Monday, November 23, 2020


 I wanted to explore the idea of gratitude this week as part of Thanksgiving. The spirit of understanding that we should respond to a gift or a blessing from someone else seems to be inherently understood - someone does something for you and in turn you feel an emotional response towards that person for thinking of you and giving to you. That seems like a transactional thankfulness - they give and you respond with thanks. The continual attitude of gratitude is a little bit different. To live in a state of gratitude seems to be dependent on your understanding of your existence and your belief that your life is a gift. Some believe that their life is a gift from God. Some believe that their life is a gift from a universal energy. Some believe that their life is a happenstance based on the development of our planet. All of these people can live in a state of gratitude with an understanding that their life is gift or at least a miracle that is worthy of thankfulness for existence. I believe that the attitude of gratitude is also the attitude of understanding our oneness with each other and the whole of the universe. It is a peace that spills out from knowing that everything is going to be okay and that we all have value in the ocean of being and love that we are all a part of. With that in mind, I am personally thankful for my family, my friends, my opportunities, my talents and gifts, and my path. It makes me want to give even more to all - especially those in need at this time of intentional thanksgiving. How about you?


What have I been up to?

Last week was a relatively good week considering all the angst and danger in our world. I did lose a musician friend, Tim Collver, to an illness at a young age. This year has seen too many deaths of friends I have gotten to share music with. None of them were from COVID.

My senior facilities went well. I only am doing online shows with the virus being so bad in our area.

My Thursday show was doing Beatles tunes, and it was a blast! Their songs have permeated my life to the point that they are truly part of me. I will do another night of Beatles songs as I know so many of their tunes - and so many people like them.

Sunday night's show had some real high points with the great songs that folks requested. I pulled out a couple of my electric guitars to get a little different tone as well.


What am I up to this week?

I have a couple senior facilities online this week. I still haven't followed up on any national senior facilities. One of my activity directors had the idea of pre-recording a monthly show for each facility instead of doing a live show. Since they have to keep their residents isolated and can't broadcast to more than a few at a time, it is a clever idea to allow them access to a show that they can stream on-demand to smaller groups or even individuals on a laptop or iPad. I guess there are some yoga instructors and other senior facility vendors that do something like this. It's a good idea, and although I've put up some concerts on DropBox that I have offered my facilities access to, it didn't occur to me that I could give them a private folder that I could post new shows to monthly just like I would normally perform them monthly online or in person. I will follow up on that.

Thursday 7-8:30 mountain time I will do an online show even though it is Thanksgiving. I asked my audience if they would like a show since it falls on a holiday, and the majority really thought it would be something special. My show will feature Thanksgiving songs and nature songs. One of my listeners had the idea of featuring nature since it gives some of the same comfort as being with family. It's a great idea, and I hope you'll tune in if you'd like a little entertainment and community that night - especially if you're isolating as the CDC is encouraging us to do.

Sunday 7-8:30 mountain time my online show will feature favorites and requests as always. Some of these weeks the requests really show a variety of genres and songs, and there really is something for everyone's taste. Please tune in if you can. In addition I just realized that if you're tuning in on my website instead of Facebook you can make comments on the video. This is great! Please visit and try it out.


That's it for this week. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and that you'll be safe and experience the spirit of gratitude.

Best always,



Details this week: 

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of Thanksgiving and nature songs 

Where: and  

When:  Thursday, November 26, 7-8:30 pm mountain time 

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests 

Where: and  

When:  Sunday, November 29, 7-8:30 pm mountain

Monday, November 16, 2020

Music Is Meditation

 As COVID drags on I find that things are changing in new ways that I didn't anticipate during the summer. We kind of thought we had figured out what kind of outlook we needed to have psychologically to get through this. Turns out we need patience more than anything else. For me, I think, music has been my saving grace. I've written about this before. Everyone needs some sort of center to get through this, and music for me has been that meditative and spiritual space that I can get into that puts me at ease. I'm sure this is no surprise to you. I talked about this a little when I learned that new Jerry Jeff Walker song that I did at his tribute concert “That’s Why I Play". The line in the chorus that says it all says, "I like the feelin' I get lost in a song!" That’s what it feels like. It really is a mesmerizing feeling that you can completely get lost in as a player. I'm sure some folks feel it in the audience too. It's a wonderful release, and it somehow realigns your thought process too. Between the rhythm and the harmony it is all-engrossing. Add in the meaning to the lyrics and the interplay between all the elements, and you really have something! Anyway, what you would expect me to say?! I hope you get even one ounce of the joy I feel in the music.


What have I been up to?

My senior facilities had to be canceled or moved indoors with the cold weather. We are at level orange safe at home, so I don't think I'll be able to do any senior facilities except for online for quite some time now.

My Thursday show doing fun ‘50s tunes was a blast! I've always loved the music of that decade, and I even played some electric guitar to get that early rock sound. That decade had some great tunes!

My Sunday show was one of the most fun ever as I did a bunch of new requests and favorites that were upbeat and exciting.


What am I up to this week?

I just have a couple online senior facilities since we have so much COVID here now.

I'd still like to see if there are national senior facility chains that need online entertainment since our local folks don't have the equipment or have to maintain strict isolation for their residents.

Thursday 7:00-8:30 I'll be doing the first of at least two Beatles shows. I've always loved their music, and I know enough of their songs to fill three online shows. Please tune in if you'd like hear some favorites on acoustic guitar. Heck, I may pull out the electric guitar again too.

Sunday 7:00-8:30 mountain time is my favorites and requests show again. I have a bunch more of your requests I'm polishing up, and it's always a surprise with the gems that people ask for. I’ve learned some stellar tunes.


That's it for this week. I hope you're well and don't know too many people who are suffering with the virus. I continue to hope for the best, and I fill myself with music and the hope that someday we will all understand.

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch

What:  playing and singing an online concert of Beatles songs

Where: and 

When:  Thursday, November 19, 7-8:30 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch

What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests

Where: and 

When:  Sunday, November 22, 7-8:30 pm mountain

Monday, November 9, 2020

Community Online

 I wanted to write about the wonderful group of folks who have become a part of my concert world every week online. When this virus started and my musical playing world sort of vanished I had no idea what to expect going forward. I knew there would be at least a couple months off of my concerts and night gigs, and I figured that my senior facilities might have to stop everything for up to a year. So I reached out to those facilities to set up online and outdoor shows for my seniors, and I scheduled a weekly online show on Sundays on Facebook in addition to my monthly online shows for the rest of my audience. This weekly online show spawned a second weekly themed online show on Thursdays a couple months later. The interesting thing about the weekly shows is the diverse and widespread group of friends it has brought together from different times and aspects of my life and how they’ve befriended each other. From childhood to high school to college to Philmont Scout Ranch to musicians to audience members at bars, concerts, and guest ranches to friends-of-friends to family members of seniors to God-knows-who. The way all of these folks interact and share joy in the music is a testament to friendship and love itself. I'm mightily gratified and humbled. It has gotten to the point where every week is a lesson in kindness and unexpected elation. And I see these friends befriend each other and interact independent of my shows, and I am even more thrilled. I hope it only gets better, and I have a feeling that we have created something with a life far beyond the virus. It has become important enough to many folks that they want to do a Thanksgiving show because they consider our little online group to be family. I couldn’t ask for more. So we will do a Thanksgiving evening show, and everyone is welcome!


What have I been up to?

I was able to do a couple senior facilities outside with the warm weather we had. They were very enjoyable. 

My Thursday show was a tribute to Jerry Jeff Walker who just recently passed, and it was a good 'un. He wrote so many fun and meaningful songs. A lot of folks wanted to honor his memory and hear his songs played. 

My Sunday show had a lot of new faces, and it was a huge variety of songs. It never ceases to amaze me how diverse my audience and their favorites are. I work really hard to learn these tunes, and it’s wonderful when folks come out and listen and enjoy each other and the music. 


What am I up to this week?

I have a couple of outdoor senior facilities scheduled that will either have to be moved online or else cancelled. It will only be in the 50s all week here - which is appropriate considering my Thursday show is fun 1950s music. 

Thursday 7-8:30 my online show will feature fun 1950s music for a little break from the tension we’ve all felt recently. I was in a ‘50s band for a few years and have always loved this era of music. I may even break out a ‘50s guitar. Come on out!

Sunday 7-8:30 is my online favorites and requests show. As I wrote above, I really enjoy how much people share their joy of life and music at my shows, and I’m so grateful to have such a wonderful audience. I’d love to have you along for the ride if you’ve never been. 


That’s it for this week. Our virus numbers are getting worse. I wish we could get this under control. I honestly haven’t left the house except for walks, groceries, a couple doctor appointments, and my outdoor senior facility shows since March, and I’m hoping people will do what’s necessary to get over this spread and conquer this virus. We need to be able to meet in person again with a hug or a handshake - well they say maybe not the handshake. 


Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch

What:  playing and singing an online concert of fun 1950s songs

Where: and 

When:  Thursday, November 12, 7-8:30 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch

What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests

Where: and 

When:  Sunday, November 15, 7-8:30 pm mountain

Monday, November 2, 2020

Hopeful Tough Week

 We are heading into a tough week no matter how you look at it. Everyone is on edge, and it has been hard to focus even with the best of mental states - not that I can usually maintain one of those states although I sure try - and music helps. I don’t know how we got here, and I’m not one to throw blame around. In my heart I know that we are all one even though we can’t see it. In the “other” I see myself, and although I can muster some self-loathing, I know that the love that flows through me from whatever spiritual source I am connected to is for everyone and everything. The magic that unforcedly comes out in my music and the oneness I feel in nature is part of something that is much bigger than the day-to-day disagreements and struggles I and everyone go through. We can get along without the fear and uncertainty that we sometimes feel is necessary to get by in our world. There can be a trust and a knowing that can permeate our lives and help us be better to ourselves, each other, and the world we live in. I really believe it. My wish would be that this attitude can flood the world as we go through this time of unrest over disease and disagreement. Be safe and caring, my friends. We can get through anything together. 


What have I been up to?

My online senior shows went pretty well last week. It’s still not that easy to get a setup where several people can see and the speeds and hookups to a TV are good enough though. I think I need to come up with a common solution I can recommend to all my facilities. There are a lot of options out there. 

My online Halloween show on Thursday was great fun! There are so many songs for Halloween - both fun and creepy, and we did a bunch. 

Friday was a show of songs from Philmont Scout Ranch with a passel of good friends that was so fine. It’s just a stellar group of folks with such good energy. 

Sunday’s favorites show was a great set of tunes from all over the spectrum. I struggle with some requests for folks, but I love the diverse backgrounds and music that people want to hear. Luckily I can mold to the songs enough to connect to the feel and the spirit of each song.


What am I up to this week?

I have a couple senior facilities this week that wonder-of-wonders look like I'm getting to play for outside. After last week's heavy snow I thought the outdoor playing was over. 

Thursday 7-8:30 mountain time my online show will feature Jerry Jeff Walker songs. Jerry Jeff passed on October 23rd, and I really love his music, so I’ll be doing some of my favorite songs he did. Jerry Jeff had some pretty rowdy songs, but also some very poignant and heartfelt tunes that I dearly love. Please join me if you can for a wonderful evening. If the country is in turmoil from the election this may be a good respite. 

Sunday 7-8:30 mountain time as always is my favorites and requests show. Amazingly, I hardly got any new requests this week during the show. I think folks have finally realized that I do better with a little lead time to prepare their requests rather than merely covering them in the spur of the moment. I don’t mind doing them on the spot, but sometimes I fail rather spectacularly. Maybe that’s fun for the audience and I’m missing out on some opportunity, but I know I don’t enjoy hearing a fellow musician cover a song badly in the moment. I’d rather hear them doing well on one in their own style. Let me know if you’d rather have the spontaneity. 


That’s it for this week. I really hope we are headed toward some sort of time of peace and reconciliation and not a time of more unrest and division. There is no one I fear or hate. We really are one in the end. 

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch

What:  playing and singing an online concert of Jerry Jeff Walker songs

Where: and 

When:  Thursday, November 5, 7-8:30 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch

What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests

Where: and 

When:  Sunday, November 8, 7-8:30 pm mountain 

Monday, October 26, 2020

Music is Sweet Relief

Things are getting kind of dismal with winter approaching and no end in sight to the virus. I have told you over the months in my newsletters some of the things I do to keep me centered and in a good frame of mind. The one that never fails for me and always surprises me is music. Music is so engaging, and it is endlessly stimulating in unexpected ways - from the infectious beat to the clever wordplay to the mystical emotional impact it can have on me. On the nights when I do shows I often start a song and then completely lose my sense of self and time as the song wraps me in a magic cocoon of timing and melody and flow. It’s just amazing! I’m so lucky to be involved in it, and to be able to share it with folks. Come join me in the adventure sometime. It really is a sweet relief. 


What have I been up to?

The weather worked out just right with one reschedule to do my senior care facilities last week. It was a little sad telling folks that I probably wouldn’t be able to see them again except online for a while - especially now as I watch the snow out the window this morning. It’s been a decent run during the warmer weather. 

My Thursday show doing moon songs was really fun! I don’t know if I’ve ever been more relaxed and more tuned into a group of songs or people. You can see it on my Facebook page or my website if you’d like - and 

My Sunday show doing favorites was just plain crazy. We had so many great folks come out and throw their energy into the evening. The snow outside added a certain zing that was palpable to everyone. 


What am I up to this week?

I have a couple senior care facilities online this week, and I’m trying to set up some more online as we're forced to stop doing outside shows. I’ve even joined a Facebook group that is promoting shows for senior facilities all over the country. We will see how that goes. 

Thursday 7-8:30 I’m doing an online show of Halloween songs. I really enjoy these songs although they can be both spooky to goofy. It will be a lot of fun. Please tune in if you can. 

Friday I’m doing an online show of songs for Philmont folks in a Facebook group I created just for them. It’s the second one we’ve done, and it should be a great time. 

Sunday 7-8:30 is my weekly online favorites show, and I have a good running list of songs I’m working on for folks from all over the country. It’s a lot of work learning all the songs, but it really keeps my chops up. I just hope I remember these songs going forward. My music memory is getting filled up! 

The following Thursday, November 5th, I’m doing an online tribute to Jerry Jeff Walker who passed this last week. I had forgotten how much many of his songs meant to me, and this show promises to be way too much fun. 


That’s it for this week. I hope you’re doing okay with everything that’s going on. Vote if you haven’t yet, and be safe as you go about your life in this time. Jen and I are mostly still staying at home and trying to work online and get what we need through delivery. 

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch

What:  playing and singing an online concert of Halloween songs

Where: and 

When:  Thursday, October 29, 7-8:30 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch

What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests

Where: and 

When:  Sunday, November 1, 7-8:30 pm mountain 

Monday, October 19, 2020


I lost a friend last week suddenly who was a fine example of someone who exemplifies goodness. She always thought of others and strove to help and do things to build up and not tear down and to leave the world a better place. So what makes a person decide to do good in their life as a practice? I’m sure for some it’s just logical that doing good in the world is helpful to everyone and makes the world better. For some it may be that their religious beliefs encourage them to do good by Jesus' example or whomever they follow or a simple fear of God. For some it is other kinds of spirituality that see a certain oneness with all creation and a purpose to every act. For some it may just be training through being raised to always opt to do good by their parents and their friends. For some it is a humanistic morality of fairness and reciprocal treatment. For my friend and many of you I suspect it is a combination of many of these ideas. I know it is for me. I really do want to make the world a better place, and I have seen everything from spiritual teaching to brain chemistry to morality that shows me that a world of goodness is better for everyone involved. In the end our friends and family are all that matter, and those are cultivated through goodness to each other. I will miss my friend, but I know she spent her life spreading goodness that made a lot of people’s lives better, and the world and I am better for knowing her. 


What have I been up to?

It was warm enough that I was still able to play for several of my senior care facilities last week, but that may not last much longer. I keep saying that, but I honestly will feel the loss when I can no longer give to these folks though outside performances. I am in hopes that I can do do some more shows online for them when it is too cold to perform outside in person. 

My Thursday online show of TV show themes and commercials was a blast, and there was so much reminiscing and good feeling going on that I know really helped some folks. It was a joy to be a part of my online friends group - “Where everybody knows your name.”

Sunday night was also fun with lots of new songs and old favorites. My poor brain is getting pretty full of music, but I was still able to load up some new tunes and deliver them. This group is so supportive and enthusiastic, and it does me such good to be able to be at the center and also look on from the outer circle at such caring and fine people. Come on out and join in!


What am I up to this week?

I have 4 senior care facilities barring a cold snap this week. It looks like Friday it will only be 46°, so that may knock out one facility. This virus can’t be over soon enough. 

Thursday 7-8:30 my online show will be dedicated to songs about the moon to honor the blue moon we have this month on Halloween. The moon has been such a big part of our culture and creative thoughts and writing for all of history. It will be great to dive into some of these tunes that celebrate our celestial partner. 

Sunday 7-8:30 will be my online favorites and requests show. I have a continuous stream of new songs and old favorites I’m working on that dominate my weeks of late. It’s a different experience that I’ve honestly not been able to concentrate on for much of my career since I’m normally traveling to and from gigs with little time to work on new songs. It’s been fun, but my brain gets confused from one tune to the next sometimes. It’s a worthwhile challenge! Come on out and experience the camaraderie and challenge with me! 


That’s it for this week. I hope you are taking care of yourself. With all that is going on it is easy to get wrapped up in the stresses and not care for yourself and others around you. This limits our amount of energy and awareness for spreading goodness. I think it is important. 

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch

What:  playing and singing an online concert of moon songs

Where: and 

When:  Thursday, October 22, 7-8:30 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch

What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests

Where: and 

When:  Sunday, October 25, 7-8:30 pm mountain 

Monday, October 12, 2020

Silliness and Joy

 I wanted to talk about something I think can really help us through these hard times. We have such a prevalence of dark stories in the world and in movies and TV, and I know that laughter and true joy can do so much for us during stressful times. I did several songs last night on my online concert that were pretty silly, and it really lightened the spirits of everyone involved. It reminds me of all the silly songs that came out after World War II. Those really helped people get over the pain of that terrible time. It sometimes feels guilty to laugh when there is strife all around, but it really releases stress and lifts us up. In that spirit I’ll be playing a show that I did with a few friends for the veterans at the Spanish Peaks Regional Health Center in Walsenburg a few years ago. We did a performance of old TV show themes and commercials that was really fun. I’ll tell you more about it below in the description of what I’m doing this week. It’s hard to find true joy in the midst of sorrow and strife, but a little laughter sprinkled in here and there really helps. Being silly leads to remembering that this hard time is not all there is to life. We will get through it with some weary wisdom that will help us cherish true joy when we hold it. Seek out those things that bring joy and laughter.


What have I been up to?

My senior facilities were wonderful - particularly on Saturday when I got to play for the vets in Florence whom I haven’t seen since March. One of my other facilities has a COVID outbreak, so I sang from outside closed windows all around the facility with a sound system I could set up outside their windows. 

Thursday’s online show of cowboy outlaw songs went really well. I love these old gems and stories, and I threw in a couple newer ones too that were a blast. It’s amazing to me how comforting how even the cautionary tales are. 

Sunday’s show of favorites went really well too. Our community is growing in spirit, and it's wonderful to spend time with friends. 


What am I up to this week?

Thursday's online show 7-8:30 mountain time will be the above-mentioned TV show themes and commercials. As I said, it will mainly be the show I did with friends for the vets in Walsenburg a few years back that had trivia, fun facts, and a mixture of different TV themes and fun commercials from the ‘50s and ‘60s. I’ve had a few requests for some later shows that I’ll try to incorporate as well.  Hopefully a little levity and nostalgia will be a comfort and a welcome relief this week. Please join in if you can.

Sunday 7-8:30 online will be favorites and requests again. I explained on my show yesterday that I have a hard time keeping up with requests lately. Some songs are really challenging to map out and perform well, and I don’t like merely covering them. I’ll keep doing my best, but please know that if I don’t do a request it’s not for not caring. I know how deeply we can love a song. Please tune in if you can.


That’s it for this week. I hope I don’t sound too disjointed this time around. The uncertainty of our situation is putting stress on everyone, and at times it’s hard to find meaningful things to say. I feel peace in my heart, and I hope you can feel it and that it makes a difference. 

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch

What:  playing and singing an online concert of TV themes and commercials

Where: and 

When:  Thursday, October 15, 7-8:30 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch

What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests

Where: and 

When:  Sunday, October 18, 7-8:30 pm mountain 

Monday, October 5, 2020

Spreading Love

 I woke up kind of down this morning. I want so badly to contribute love to this world, and I quite often feel like it is a failing prospect. There are so many people in our world who seem bent on just confusing people and keeping them fearful and mistrusting of others. The world is what we make it, and we are really part of each other and dependent on others in obvious ways as we share the same living space on our planet as well as deeper ways as we share unseen forces between us of thought and quantum entanglement. Realizing this and working toward ways we can better ourselves and our existence on this planet is so much more worthwhile than tearing down each other for short-term perceived gain. I beat the drum for love and respect in whatever way I can - through music and beauty. I’m not looking for accolades. I am here to encourage others with the gifts that I have been graced with. How about you?


What have I been up to?

My senior facilities went very well last week. The weather has cooled enough that it is just about perfect for playing outdoors for my folks. That means that the cooler temperatures are just around the corner though. Unfortunately this means that I won’t be able to play for folks much longer. I wish technology was such that I could perform online for everyone, but for folks who are isolated to their rooms for the most part that would require a robust wifi and distribution system to TVs in each room that just doesn’t exist yet. It is something to work towards, but I can’t see budgets and resources going to that for many years to come. I’ll keep working towards it where I can. 

My Thursday online show doing Eagles music went very well. It’s amazing how songs can permeate our life and consciousness so much at different parts of our lives. These songs are so comforting and familiar even when we haven’t heard them in many, many years. Some of them are very challenging to play, and I hit most of them okay. 

My Sunday online show went very well too. Folks are so appreciative and sincere at these shows, and it is a huge comfort to be a part of. We have created an online family that is very genuine and giving. It’s a blessing, to be sure. Some gems of songs have come out as well. 


What am I up to this week?

I have several senior facilities this week that will be very rewarding, and one that I haven’t gotten to play for since March that I can’t wait to reconnect with. It’s hard to express what a joy it is to see and play for these folks. 

Thursday 7-8:30 I’ll be doing outlaw songs for my online show. I have a big list of cowboy outlaw songs from many years of collecting and performing, and I can’t wait to share these. Come on out and hear some songs of dastardly characters who lived hard and died young. They’re kind of the opposite of the person I’m trying to be, but most get their just desserts. It’s an interesting genre. 

Sunday 7-8:30 I’ll be doing favorites and requests for my online show. Each of these evenings ends up with some truly magical moments with the group and with the songs that get delivered. I’d love to have you in the audience family if you’d like to come along. 


That’s it for this week. As the weeks drag by with the coronavirus I hope you’re taking care and making time for yourself and for caring for others. This takes so much patience to get through a marathon event like this, and it’s comforting to know that there are folks working hard to come up with a vaccine and with a plan to get life back to some form of normal. Be good to each other. We will make it to the other side. 

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch

What:  playing and singing an online concert of outlaw songs

Where: and 

When:  Thursday, October 8, 7-8:30 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch

What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests

Where: and 

When:  Sunday, October 11, 7-8:30 pm mountain 

Monday, September 28, 2020


 I’m thinking today of how we deal with pain - both physically and emotionally. It’s a really interesting phenomenon that I think we eventually learn to live with, but how do we do that? I wrote about pain a couple years ago when I had a leg procedure that caused some exquisite new pain in a way I hadn’t felt before. I then talked about the curiosity of pain. Instead let's look at how we cope with it. Some people don’t mention it - shoving it down in their minds somehow through willpower. Some people really suffer with pain - feeling it intensely with seemingly no way to escape it. Some people medicate with prescription drugs or alcohol. Others seek holistic ways of escaping it such as meditation or awareness training. There are older medical practices such as acupuncture or massage that also work for some. Most of these solutions work for both physical and emotional pain. Personally I usually look at pain's role in my life. Is it teaching me something? Is it something I am causing myself? Is it something I can avoid with a different outlook or different approach? Is it something I can solve through diet or exercise? I’ve found that not all pain is bad. I have to be careful not to relish in pain, but living with it a little bit does season my life with a bit of excitement. It’s kind of like eating a hot pepper for me - a little pain from heat makes my tongue tingle and my endorphins fire which reminds me I’m alive and here to experience life.  It also makes me have more facets of awareness and wisdom. 


What have I been up to?

Last week I had a few senior facilities which were very enjoyable. It was fairly hot, so I did have to reschedule my Friday outdoor facility though. The cool down this week will be very appreciated. 

My Thursday online show featured Fall songs which was a lot of fun. These songs really make the season feel right. If you’d like to watch it the replay is on Facebook and my website. My website has a new page dedicated to my online concerts. 

My Sunday online show was very enjoyable too. We were all over the board with diverse requests of rock, folk, cowboy, and original songs. The replay is up in the same two places as above if you want to see it. 


What am I up to this week?

I have three or four senior facilities this week. I’m starting to lose touch with some of my facilities as folks are moving around. They are going through a pretty tough time there. My heart really goes out to the residents and staff. I wish there was something more I could do to help. 

Thursday 7-8:30 mountain time my themed online show will feature the music of The Eagles. I’ve always loved their music, and I hope you’ll tune if you like them too. Again the link for my website is new.

Sunday 7-8:30 mountain time my favorites show will feature some good favorites and requests. I had some really interesting and challenging songs suggested this last week, so this show promises to be really good. Same links as above. 


That’s it for this week. I’m mulling over other things to say about pain. I’ve always kind of masochistically liked pain in my life although I’d rather not have so much at times. I know other people live with much more pain than me, but I’m grateful for the chance to live and experience all the pain and joy that life brings. 

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch

What:  playing and singing an Online Concert of Eagles songs

Where: and 

When:  Thursday, October 1, 7-8:30 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch

What:  playing and singing an Online Concert of favorites and requests

Where: and 

When:  Sunday, October 4, 7-8:30 pm mountain 

Monday, September 21, 2020

All I Know

 I've been thinking a lot about what I’ve learned in my longish but not ultimately long life. In my younger years I was kind of cocky, and I definitely ruffled some feathers even though I was relatively tame. I had some wisdom early on, but it didn’t keep me from making a lot of dumb mistakes and miscues that hurt my relationships. As I aged I continued to think that lots of work was the best way to go - sometimes avoiding deeper situations just to make another buck. As I went through mid-life I gained some perspective on health and well-being - trying to put some continuity in my everyday existence. Now that I’ve almost reached retirement age (even though I don’t plan to retire) I look back on possessions and situations with a different eye. Security is important, but relationships and caring for others seems to be all that ultimately matters. Through it all I see more and more that no matter what your race or religion, social status or politics, wealth or location, the love of friends and family is all that matters. That’s all I know. 


What have I been up to?

My outdoor senior and facility shows went very well last week. The temperature has dropped just enough to make them very comfortable. It’s so good to see these folks. 

My Thursday show doing Chuck Pyle's music went swimmingly. I love Chuck's music so much, and I even got to have some surprise guests along on the show like Gordon Burt who played fiddle with Chuck for 30 years. 

My Sunday show was a big crowd with a lot of fun. I cherish these nights of camaraderie with so many good friends even when they are crazy wild. 


What am I up to this week?

I have senior and facility gigs almost every day either online or outdoors this week. I absolutely love seeing these folks. 

Thursday my online show 7-8:30 mountain time will feature Fall shows. I have a bunch of great Fall songs, and I figured that rather than doing another artist I would do a variety of Fall songs this week. I think you’ll like the surprises I have in store for us. 

Sunday my online show 7-8:30 will have a variety of requests and favorites as always. It’s amazing some of the songs I’m learning for folks. Please tune in if you can. 


That’s it for this week. I wanted to say something more profound above about life, but I think it was pretty well summed up by what I said. Love is ultimately all that matters. 


Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch

What:  playing and singing an Online Concert of Fall songs

Where: and

When:  Thursday, September 24, 7-8:30 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch

What:  playing and singing an Online Concert of favorites and requests

Where: and

When:  Sunday, September 27, 7-8:30 pm mountain time

Monday, September 14, 2020

Beats and Life

 I wrote a new song last week that has bedeviled me. The idea was to create a song that demonstrated the concept of being behind the beat and ahead of the beat in a way that anyone could actually feel the pull of the beat the way a musician does. By doing this I hoped to convey my belief that we can play with time in our minds, and that time is the most interesting thing in our life here on earth. The way I wanted to do this was to create a guitar melody and rhythm with a well-defined beat that the voice could contrast against by pulling and pushing the beat to go with the lyrics talking about falling behind and getting ahead of the beat. It would have an effect like the t-shirts and posters that put a word out of focus just enough that you strain to focus the word, except that you would strain your sense of timing to pull the words back to the beat. It’s an interesting concept, and it’s something that musicians, especially drummers, practice with exercises that help them hone the skill and mastery of rhythm. The problem for me is that I can’t disassociate my playing from my singing enough to coordinate the effect of pulling and pushing. I would like to intuitively pull and push the beat, but it would be better to actually count the rhythm mathematically so that I’m am just behind and just ahead of the beat. Hopefully I’ll get it figured out so I can actually play the song and get the effect I’m going after. In this way I can demonstrate that our life is really just the moment we are in right now and not the memories of the past or the worry of the future. I said it once in a song, “This moment is my goal, the only thing I can truly know.” That is the key to the current popular practice of mindfulness. Wish me luck in accomplishing this. 


What have I been up to?

Last week was a really busy week. The weather was bad enough that I had to reschedule all of my senior facilities since I couldn’t play outside in the cold to the residents, but I had four evening gigs. 

My Fogelberg online show on Wednesday was so sweet. I often forget how much his music had an effect me. I will long remember this night. 

Thursday was my private virtual show for a women's group in Wisconsin, and it went very well too. Thanks to Mary for setting it up so well. 

Saturday was an online group show for the Yellow Pine Guest Ranch where I normally play a weekly summer barbecue. It was so good to feel a little bit of the spirit of that place and those folks. 

Sunday was my favorites and requests show online, and it was like old home week with so many friends from over my whole life. Wow!


What am I up to this week?

I have several senior facility shows scheduled outdoors this week, and it looks like the weather will be just right for these. Every one of the good days is a gift until the weather changes and I won’t get to see these folks for a long while again. 

Thursday 7-8:30 for my weekly theme show I’ll be featuring the music of Chuck Pyle online. Chuck was a phenomenal songwriter, and I have loved his music since the first time I heard it and met him. This will be my tribute to him since we won’t have a big tribute in Denver for him again this year. I’ve recorded his music, and if you don't know his tunes then you’re in for a treat. Please tune in.

Sunday 7-8:30 I’ll do my favorites and requests online show. I can’t express how much I enjoy doing this evening of music and interaction with so many friends. It is very special, and I’d love to have you with me.


That’s it for this week. I’m still thinking about time and how it dominates our existence. Hmmm...




Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch

What:  playing and singing a Facebook Live Concert of Chuck Pyle songs

Where: and

When:  Thursday, September 17, 7-8:30 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch

What:  playing and singing a Facebook Live Concert of favorites and requests

Where: and

When:  Sunday, September 20, 7-8:30 pm mountain time

Monday, September 7, 2020

Creative Performances

 I have heard and read a few interesting stories about how people are making and getting their music during this time of isolation. I’ve been doing only online shows other than my distanced shows for senior homes, but there are all kinds of other ways that people are performing and spreading music. One classical music couple are doing custom recorded video performances of song requests for special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries on viola and piano. They call it “pick a song.” I did a custom CD of favorite songs for an anniversary and another for a long-time friend. One musician in Canada has a platform on his vehicle that he performs shows from in front of people’s houses, and I’ve heard of others doing this from pickup truck beds in parking lots and driveways. There are several bands that have set up concerts on stages at drive-in movie theaters to people in their cars. I even heard about a performance that had speakers mounted on hot-air balloons that flew over neighborhoods in an area with the live music wirelessly broadcasted. Music is just very important to our well-being, and it turns out there are a lot of ways to deliver it. I may try some of these more creative ways of performing, but for now I’ve been enjoying the intimacy of online performances a lot. The technology is finally good enough that the quality is acceptable even though there is always room for improvement. I guess we will see where performing music returns to after the pandemic is over. 


What have I been up to?

Last week was a lot of fun. I just had a couple senior homes. With the weather changing quite a bit this week we will have to think of other ways to entertain the folks. Online shows don’t work as well for them yet until higher speeds and more screens are available in the facilities. 

Thursday online I did more of my own original songs, and there were songs I haven’t played in 30 years that I attempted to reconnect with. Some worked better than others. I’ve had an interesting career with quite a few different songwriting influences. 

Sunday online I did a bunch of new requests and one new song I wrote in the vein of John Prine. It being Labor Day weekend I had a lot of folks tune in whom I hadn’t seen in a while. It is so good to connect with old friends and acquaintances. 


What am I up to this week?

Wednesday 7-8:30 mountain time I’ll be doing my weekly theme show instead of Thursday because I have a private online show on Thursday. This week I’ll be doing the music of Dan Fogelberg. I can honestly say that he is one of the few artists that I have every album. I didn’t hear his first couple albums until a few years after they came out, but I was a big fan once I latched onto his music. He had such vocal and instrumental talent, not to mention very poetic lyrics. Many of his songs affected me in very deep ways. Please tune in if you can.

Thursday I have a private performance for a women's club in Wisconsin on Facebook. One of my childhood friends is part of this group, and I’m really looking forward to playing for them. 

Saturday I’m playing a show on Facebook for folks who have joined me at the Yellow Pine Ranch for the barbecue over the years. The barbecue was cancelled this summer due to the virus, and this is my chance to connect with all the friends I’ve made over the years at the Yellow Pine in Cuchara and get to sing for them a bit. If you’ve been to the Yellow Pine and would like to be part of this then let me know. 

Sunday I’ll be performing virtually for the Cuchara Chapel service that is recorded and shown online on the site. My good friend Rev. Eileen Ramsey leads these services all winter, and I’m proud to play for the second Sunday of each month. Tune in if you’d like a little inspiration and a few songs from me. 

Sunday 7-8:30 mountain time I’ll be doing my weekly favorites and requests show on Facebook. My list of requests grows every week, and I spend a lot of time learning new songs each week for this show. It has become a very special time that I look forward to. Please join us if you can. 


That’s it for this week. I’m pacing myself for performances and recordings each day. 

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch

What:  playing and singing a Facebook Live Concert of Dan Fogelberg songs

Where: and

When:  Wednesday, September 9, 7-8:30 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch

What:  playing and singing a Facebook Live Concert of favorites and requests

Where: and

When:  Sunday, September 13, 7-8:30 pm mountain time

Monday, August 31, 2020

Music Makes Us Synchronize

I'm still basking this morning in the light of my online show last night. I am so fortunate to have so many good and kind friends who are so supportive and participative in my music. And it makes me try to understand again what it is about sharing in the delivery of a song or evening of songs that is so satisfying and fulfilling. Ultimately, I think it is because we are all one, and when we share in music we are actually experiencing our oneness in a visceral way where we hear, feel, and move together. Turns out that science shows us that our brains actually show synchronization while experiencing the same music. A study published in the journal “NeuroImage” and explained in an article in “Scientific American” tells how our brains synchronize while listening to and performing a song, and that the more they synchronize the more we enjoy the music. Our neurons actually fire together. I’m always thrilled when science figures out what we somehow intuitively know. I’ll include the links to both the study and article below if you want to read more. In my Sunday shows I sense a flow between me and my listeners even though we are not together in person that I really cherish and love. Because people can comment in real time without interrupting the performance verbally we can actually express our togetherness as it happens. This is pretty unique and valuable, and it’s something that makes me not want to ever give up online performances in favor of only in-person performances when this virus and its precautions are over. If you’d like to experience this then tune in to one of my online shows. We have created a family in a unique and special place. Here are the articles.

Scientific American

The averaged inter-brain coherence between the audience and a violinist predicts the popularity of violin performance - ScienceDirect


What have I been up to?

My senior facilities last week were very gratifying. Again I’ll be so disappointed when the weather cools enough that I can’t perform outdoors for my folks. I’m hoping that the weather stays warm enough and the vaccine arrives soon enough that we won’t have a long time apart.

My Michael Murphey online show last Thursday was so much fun. His music has been with me almost as long as anyone's in my life, and it has definitely impacted me and my musical career.

The Sunday online show as I mentioned above was wonderful. I had a bunch of requests that I worked really hard on, and the whole evening just flowed back and forth.


What am I up to this week?

I only have a couple senior facilities this week. I’m working on trying to do a few other facilities if it works for them before the weather cools.

Thursday 7-8:30 for my online theme show I’ll be doing more of my own original songs. I have several older songs I haven’t done in a long time and several unrecorded songs and new songs that I’d love for folks to hear as well as other special songs I’ve written that I’d love to share. Please tune in if you’d like to hear some of my own heartfelt songs that I made up.  ;-)

Sunday 7-8:30 I’ll be doing more favorites and requests online. I’m finding it pretty challenging to work up some of the requests I’ve gotten. I really enjoy it, but my brain sometimes tells me that it can’t fit another song up there. I usually just laugh and push it some more. I know there’s always more room to store them. I’m also thrilled to see the creative ways and places that people listen and experience the evening. Some sit out on the sidewalk with other neighbors and a glass of beer or wine and share the music. Some set a laptop out by their outdoor fire pit to have an impromptu campfire musical experience. Some watch on a phone with headphones so it becomes an intimate personal evening. It’s all wonderful. I’m just thankful to have such good friends willing to take a ride with me every time. Here are the links again.


That’s it for this week. Next week we’ll either have to skip a Thursday or choose another day for a theme show as I have a private online show on Thursday. I’m fine with either one. I have so many more ideas for theme shows. I’m just loving getting to connect with friends in such a meaningful way.


Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing a Facebook Live Concert of my own original songs
Where: and
When:  Thursday, September 3, 7-8:30 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing a Facebook Live Concert of favorites and requests
Where: and
When:  Sunday, September 6, 7-8:30 pm mountain time

Monday, August 24, 2020

Numbness Joy Waiting

The past few days I have been feeling kind of brain dead. I know we all go through this. You get worn down and seem to lack focus. It reminds me of numbness in my body. I don’t know if you have this, but I have areas in my legs that are numb to the touch - either from procedures for bad circulation or for no apparent reason at all. My hands also go numb when I sleep so that often I’ll wake up unable to pick up my phone or feel my hands for a few seconds until they wake up. If you have ever had surgery you know that numbness is common around an incision. The waiting during this COVID-19 time has created a numbness too. We’re waiting for it to be over - hopefully with each of us coming through relatively unscathed with maybe a new perspective on life. It has had its opportunities - from catching up on reading to doing house projects to reconnecting with those we live with. But it does include this numbness and need for stimulation in a meaningful way. And there is joy in small moments. It’s important to find that. I’ve been trying to provide that with my photos and music. It’s a small thing, but it seems to help - at least I know it helps me to experience and share it. And the connection with you all helps. I know it’s tough to be social without being able to see each other or give a hug, but we’ll make it through. Just keep up your patience looking for joy through the numbness and the waiting. The waiting really is the hardest part.


What have I been up to?

Last week I had several senior facilities outside which was a bit of a heat challenge with the temps measuring around 100° every day. But with shade and a little breeze it was bearable. It was great to see my friends.

My John Prine show on Thursday went very well. His music just seems to speak to me and to others in a deep and meaningful way. I’m thankful he got to do one more really good album before he passed. If you missed my show you can hear it on my website and on Facebook. and

My Philmont show on Saturday was a blast as well. I didn’t know if a reunion like that would work very well. My experience in spoken online reunions hasn’t been that great. Everyone is waiting for someone else to speak, and there almost needs to be a moderator to suggest topics. But with music everyone has something more in common, and it spurs memories of where people were when they heard the music. On top of that you can have a small conversation in the comments while the music is going that doesn’t distract like it would in person. It’s actually very cool! We will do it again!

My Sunday Facebook show went very well too. We ended up doing more popular oldies this week, and I really enjoyed it.


What’s up this week?

I have several online and outside senior facilities this week while the weather is still nice. Hopefully we can continue these into October. They are good for the folks and good for me!

Thursday my online concert will feature the music of Michael Martin Murphey. I’ve been playing his music since he first hit the scene, and I’ve run into him many times over the years - even running sound for him for a show many years ago on one of my systems. He’s had a great career through 50 years of being a singer/songwriter, country singer, and cowboy singer. I’m going to mostly do songs from his early career through the ‘80s, and I think you’ll find a lot of great songs. I’ve learned a lot of music from him over the years, and he is a favorite of many musicians throughout the southwest.

Sunday is my weekly online show that I’m calling my Favorites show. I have a bunch of requests that I’m working on as always for folks, and I have really come to love the musical family that we have created at these shows. Please tune in if you can.


That’s it for this week. I hope you’re doing okay with the numbness and can find joy through the waiting. Just reach out if you need some encouragement.

Best always,



Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing a Facebook Live Concert of Michael Martin Murphey songs
Where: and
When:  Thursday, August 27, 7-8:30 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing a Facebook Live Concert of requests and favorites
Where: and
When:  Sunday, August 30, 7-8:30 pm mountain time

Monday, August 17, 2020

Fiery Beauty

I was walking with Jen during the sunrise yesterday when we were absolutely taken aback by the sun coming over the hill in the wildfire smoke from distant fires as a huge red ball. It was unbelievably beautiful, and yet we knew the beauty came at the cost of pain and suffering for the folks being affected by the wildfires raging in many places in our state and beyond. We also got to talk yesterday morning with a couple who are facing uncertainty at the cost of the tragedy of the man having had a debilitating stroke that has changed their lives seemingly irreparably. Are these two incidents related somehow? Does tragedy lead to beauty in many situations? Some people who have had cancer say they would never go back in time and undo the cancer in their lives because the cancer taught them lessons of appreciation and love. Is it possible that these lessons are part of our growth and purpose in our lives? I have not liked the painful lessons in my life, but they have made me a more caring and feeling person. Maybe these painful things are gifts from the divine to make us more human and godly at the same time. Some people are hoping that COVID-19 will be the same thing for our world. I don’t know, but I’m sure glad the red-ball sun was breathtaking and made me think and appreciate for a moment.


What have I been up to?

I had several senior facilities during the week that I really enjoyed. It’s hard to express the lift it gives me and the folks to pass smiles back and forth even though we can’t see them under our masks.

Thursday was my Facebook theme show doing Gordon Lightfoot songs. I learned several new ones, and we really reached some wonderful moments reminiscing and sharing his music. Gord is one talented guy!

Sunday was my Facebook request show with a ton of requests this week. I think I got to most of the requests although I had to leave some out and we went a little long. There was some really fun and insightful stuff. If you missed it and would like to hear, it’s on my Facebook page and on my website with all my shows except a few that have been taken down for copyright.


What am I up to this week?

I have gigs every day this week which is the first time in months I’ve had that happen. I have five senior facilities during the week either performing outdoors or online. A couple of them are for folks I haven’t seen since March or even February. It will be so good to see them!

Thursday at 7:00 mountain time is my Facebook theme show. This week I’m doing the songs of John Prine. He was a songwriter's songwriter, and he passed in April of COVID-19 - making him one of the earlier deaths of the virus. There were many tributes to him at the time, but now that we’ve had a little more reflection I think that his music is even more poignant. If you don’t know his music then you’re in for a treat. Please join me if you can.

Saturday I’m doing a special Facebook show for Philmont Scout Ranch folks online on a Facebook group I made just for this concert. If you’d like to attend you can find the group with a simple search on Facebook for my name and Philmont. Anyone is welcome, but there will be a lot of Philmont reminiscing and music, so it may not be something you’ll enjoy if you’ve never been to Philmont.

Sunday at 7:00 mountain time is my weekly Facebook request show. I have a few requests left over from last week, and I usually save requests for folks until I see they are in the audience, so there’s always plenty of songs to choose from. If you have a request please let me know durning the week and I will try to include it.


That’s it for this week. I had thought about doing a Labor Day marathon, but I think I’ll wait to do another marathon maybe at Christmastime. It just doesn’t feel right to do one at this time. I hope you are well and taking care as much as you can. I still feel that these tragedies are here to teach us - as hard as that may be to  consider.

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing a Facebook Live Concert of John Prine songs
Where: and
When:  Thursday, August 20, 7-8:30 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing a Facebook Live Concert of requests and favorites
Where: and
When:  Sunday, August 23, 7-8:30 pm mountain time

Monday, August 10, 2020

Rattlesnakes and Mountain Lions, Oh, My!

We had two interesting things happen in our neighborhood since my last blog. First Beau scared up a baby rattlesnake on our walk, and then the next day a mountain lion killed a deer a few hundred feet from where we walk. We are in the prairie near some pretty good bluffs and outcroppings that look like good mountain lion habitat, and we see bull snakes and red racers on our property during the summer, so these sightings are not that out of place, but it’s still a reminder that we are in their land as much as they are in our land. It’s a privilege to see such wildness, and I cherish every opportunity I get - even when it’s dangerous. As much as anything it’s a reminder that we are all in this together - a theme I often repeat. I’m usually talking about people, but we share this world and this universe with countless other creatures and forms of life. Everything is interwoven in ways we don’t really understand. It’s a joy to think about, and is even more of a wonder to experience. And in the midst of so much consternation in our current world it’s refreshing to see that there’s a whole world around us going about its business - seemingly oblivious to whatever we are currently occupied with.


What have I been up to?

Last Thursday online playing the standards of Nat King Cole and Ella Fitzgerald was so enjoyable. I’m normally immersed in this music weekly as I sing for my seniors, although more and more they prefer country and ‘50s tunes. The songs just dance off my fingers and off my tongue, and I love, love, love doing them.

Last Sunday online was a completely different night with all kinds of favorite songs from a wide range of genres. It was a blast, and I can’t tell you what a thrill it is to see people from every era of my life and career - from childhood to recent days.


What am I up to this week?

I have several senior facilities outdoors and online this week to play for. It seems that it’s still very hard to be essentially locked into these places although there are more outside visits and outdoor entertainment than there were at the beginning of quarantine. I pour as much love as I can into these musical visits - as I always try to do.

Thursday 7-8:30 mountain time I’ll be playing a Facebook Live show of Gordon Lightfoot songs. I’ve always liked Gordon’s songs, and I look forward to doing a deep dive on old favorites of mine as well as some newer requests. Gordon’s writing and playing is mesmerizing, and he always had top-notch players accompanying him as well, so it’s a joy getting to play these melodies and riffs. It’ll be on my website at and on Facebook at

Sunday 7-8:30 mountain time is my Facebook Live Request show. I’m calling it a Request show now, but it also becomes a chance to so some different kind of songs for me. Please tune in if you can. We always have a fun and fulfilling evening - and


I’m also working on some private shows for Philmont and the Yellow Pine Guest Ranch. I’m creating Facebook groups for both of these shows, and I’ll also broadcast these on my website. I’ll post more as we choose dates, and you can join the groups on Facebook. I have the Philmont one up now, and I’ll put up a Yellow Pine one shortly.


That’s it for this week. As this virus continues it really puts this transitional state we’re all experiencing into some interesting territory. I’ll have some more thoughts about it as we progress, but for now I’m doing okay and am contemplating the reflection it provides although I hate the cost to others it is causing.

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing a Facebook Live Concert Gordon Lightfoot songs
Where: and
When:  Thursday, August 13, 7-8:30 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing a Facebook Live Concert of requests and favorites
Where: and
When:  Sunday, August 16, 7-8:30 pm mountain time

Monday, August 3, 2020


I’m pondering paranoia this morning.  It’s a curious trait in people that I don’t quite understand.  I have felt it at times in my life in strange ways.  When I was a teenager in love I thought that every note from a girlfriend had hints that she was seeing someone else on the side. I remember thinking that some kids in my neighborhood were plotting something against me or other kids (sometimes they were!)  When shows like the X-Files were on the air I bought into some of the paranoid theories at least far enough to enjoy the show.  I’m sure paranoia was a valuable trait in our ancestors who needed a bit of it just to survive, but it leads to stress and worry that often leads to real problems in us.  What is the Bible quote?  “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”  I think worry comes from paranoia when we think about other people and their motives.  Either way it does not come from trust, and trust is what’s necessary to have a functioning life, family, and community.  Trust comes from a reassurance that we all are looking out for each other because we understand our interdependence and oneness.  I’m not sure what it takes in people to instill this.  For some it’s religion and the fear of God.  For some it’s a desire for growth and improvement.  For others it’s just a realization that it’s necessary.  I tend to be a utopian, but I really think that love is the answer.  I’ll just keeping making it my life’s purpose.


What have I been up to?

I only had one senior facility last week, but I thoroughly enjoyed it, and I think the residents did too.  I can’t tell you how much satisfaction I get from helping to make others lives more enjoyable.

Thursday was my Facebook Original Songs Show, and it went very well.  I don’t do my own songs all that often, and it was very gratifying to have so many people turn out to watch and listen to my songs and stories.  I wish I had written more of them over my life so far.

Sunday was my Facebook Requests Show, and I worked on learning a lot of songs this week, and for the most part they came off pretty well.  I’m always a little hesitant on new songs until I’ve performed them several times, but my fingers and my brain didn’t fail me this week.


What am I up to this week?

I have a couple shows at senior facilities outdoors that should be rewarding.

Thursday 7-8:30 mountain time I have my Facebook Theme night again.  This week is titled Nat King Cole and Ella Fitzgerald Standards.  I have lived a lot of my life in these standards.  I have close to 50 Nat King Cole albums with his trio, and I have at least half that in Ella albums by herself or with collaborators like Louis Armstrong and Joe Pass.  My dad grew up learning standards off the Hit Parade radio show, and I have played them for my seniors for more than 40 years.  This will be a very enjoyable night of stories and great songs.

Sunday 7-8:30 is my Facebook Request Show again.  I’m not getting quite as many requests as I had been, but I have dozens of requests from the past weeks that I’m still working on, and I’d love to be able to do some as they are requested as well.  Please join me if you can.

That’s it for this week.  I’m having a good discussion online with a group of friends about what I wrote about above, and I think we’re close to solving it!  Just kidding!  These thoughts will be around long after we’re gone, I’m afraid.  Have a good week, and I hope to see you down the road - maybe online.

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing a Facebook Live Concert of Nat and Ella standards
Where: and
When:  Thursday, August 6, 7-8:30 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing a Facebook Live Concert of requests and favorites
Where: and
When:  Sunday, August 9, 7-8:30 pm mountain time