Monday, June 30, 2014

Drudgery or Dancing?

I was trimming weeds this morning early with my weed whip or weed cutter while I was listening to podcasts on my phone with a bluetooth headset (handy because it uses no wires and leaves one ear free.)  I actually enjoy doing this kind of work - it’s hard on the back, but once you get used to the back and forth rhythm of the swing it can be mesmerizing and even a little meditative.  I was listening to a podcast from a show called “To the Best of Our Knowledge” on the topic of dancing.  It was talking about how dancing has always been a joyful thing that has been part of festivals, religion, and everyday life throughout history.  One of the people said that any rhythmic movement can even be considered dancing, and that got me to paying attention to my rhythmic swinging with the weed whip and my footsteps synchronized with the swinging and swaying.  Maybe this is dancing?  It certainly is joyful when you forget the pain and think of the motion and the peaceful trance it puts you in.  It also got me to thinking about one of my favorite Bible verses that says to live a simple life - working with your hands.  I’ve always wondered if there was something special about doing labor with your hands - whether it be crafting something or simply doing manual labor.  Maybe there is a confluence of these ideas that rhythmic and meditative joyful movement puts in contact with something beyond ourselves - something in tune with the rhythms of the earth and the cosmos - something approaching God or universal energy.  Well, it seems a little far-fetched, but that’s what I’m going to say when I go out to trim weeds next week - I’m communing with divine energy.

So what am I up to this week?

Before I get to that, I have to give you an update on our dog, Kai, that we took to the vet last week when we almost got crushed by those loose semi tires.  He is much, much better.  Several of you asked, and it turns out he just needed another boost of antibiotic to squash an infection that has been hanging on from a broken toenail some time ago.  He’s an old dog, but it seems we get to enjoy his company for a while longer.

So back to the week of gigs.  I have a several private parties this week, so I only have one public gig to tell you about.

Thursday I’m at the Yellow Pine 6:30-8:30 for the barbecue.  Last week was one of the best ever with my good friend, Steve Leete, sitting in for half the night and swapping songs and harmonies. There were some wonderful folks and it was a beautiful evening.  I’m hoping for the same this week with a lot of folks there for the holiday.  If you want to come please call (719) 742-3528 for reservations.

By the way, Happy Independence Day!!!  I hope you get to celebrate in style with those you love.

Friday (Independence Day) I’ll be playing a wedding rehearsal dinner that should be a lot of fun.

Saturday I’m playing a private party at some good friends’ house in La Veta that should be a blast.  It’s Christmas in July!

Sunday I have a group of rafting Boy Scouts to sing for.

Then before I write you next I’ll be playing a wedding reception Monday morning.

Another busy week, though not quite as busy as last week.

So be good to each other this week, enjoy your Independence Day, and come out for some music when you can.


Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing & singing at the Barbecue
Where:  Yellow Pine Guest Ranch, Cuchara.  719-742-3528
When:  Thursday, July 3, 6:30-8:30 pm

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