Monday, August 29, 2016

End of Summer and Changing Chapters

Labor Day always marks the end of summer for me, and it always puts me in a different mood.  There’s a tinge of sadness left over from all the years (especially when I was young) of leaving the activities and places of summer and returning home to the mellowness of autumn.  It’s not just sad, though, as I love the change of seasons and general slowing down of life a bit.  It also marks a new chapter of life as I shift gears to what comes after closing my mom’s estate.  (We’re not completely done, but we can see the sun setting.)  I haven’t really thought that much about what the next chapter will be, but you can tell that I’ve been thinking about it if you’ve followed my thoughts this summer.  I still love life with the same passion, and I still love to play, sing, and create as much as ever, so you have to know that I have some worthwhile things still in the pipeline.  I feel some cool nights of playing and reflecting coming on, and that usually means new music and lot of both peace and excitement.  That’s a great place to be.  So bring on the next chapter!

What happened last week?

Last week I just had one public show playing at Lucy’s RV Park for an outdoor concert Friday night.  It turned out to be a beautiful night with lots of fine folks and everything clicked.  Life is good!  Thanks to everyone who came out and made the evening so enjoyable.

What am I up to this week?

Saturday 12-2 I’m playing in the park in La Veta on Ryus for another Pickers Day.  The last one of these I played over Memorial Day weekend was really fun, and I suspect this one will be just as good.  There’s lots of folks with cool finds for sale, and I get to provide a musical backdrop to all this neatness.  Come on out if you can.

Sunday 2-5 I’m returning to Westcliffe to play for the Feed Store Amphitheater “Summer in the Park” series.  This is always a very special afternoon of beautiful views of the Sangres and a really rustic layout in the old tunnel-looking stage (complete with train light coming out of the darkness.)  I look forward to this afternoon every year, and I’d love to have you there if you can make it.

That’s it for this week.  Things officially slow down for me after this week, so I won’t be making weekly updates.  Magpies starts in October, although we haven’t picked the date yet.  (I’d better get on that.)  Be good to yourself, and I hope to see you soon.

Best always,


Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing for Pickers Day in the park
Where:  La Veta Park on Ryus
When:  Saturday, September 2, 12-2 pm

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing a concert in the mountains
Where:  The Feed Store Amphitheater, 116 North 2nd Street, Westcliffe.  719-783-2771
When:  Sunday, September 3, 2-5 pm

Monday, August 22, 2016

Mountain Lions and Living with Nature

We live in a rural area, and I’m amazed at how often at home and in my travels I deal with nature.  My title above comes from a note from my sister this morning that she saw a small mountain lion outside our old family cabin in New Mexico over the weekend and heard strange noises coming from several places around the cabin (which may have been a mating mountain lion pair).  I have just finished the book, “Heart of a Lion” about a mountain lion who traveled from North Dakota to New York, so I have had mountain lions on the brain a bit this summer.  The book mainly focuses on how mountain lions live in and around many populated areas, and how they have been demonized along with other wild creatures over the past couple centuries in America.  I find when I’m paying attention that wild critters are around me every day.  We just had a hawk sitting on the fence post and consuming a lizard right next to my car as I drove into the driveway a few days ago.  And I’ve spotted a couple badgers recently - haven’t seen one of those since I was a kid.  Then there have been several coyotes here and in New Mexico that I’ve seen, and there was even a skunk we could smell as I was playing Cowboy Day in La Veta over the weekend.  One of the more notable events in the past few years has been the many elk around the cabin in New Mexico that we never had when we were kids out there - big herds of them crashing through the trees and grazing in the meadows.  And that’s not to mention the countless rabbits and other common visitors around the house in Pueblo West.  We’ve even had more spiders lately.  And all of these encounters serve to remind me that this is a big world with lots of creatures sharing it, and lots of opportunities for interaction and wonder every day.  When I think that my world is pretty small and limited, these events of living with nature remind me how special this life is.

What happened last week?

Thursday at the Yellow Pine was an emotional last show of the season and last show with Jo Anne Van Lue as the manager at the ranch since she is leaving for Branson.  I thoroughly enjoyed it, and we had some very special people there.

Saturday was fun playing cowboy songs at Francisco Fort in La Veta for Cowboy Day as well as sharing the stage with other cowboy singers and poets - some from my old haunts of Cimarron and the Moreno Valley and Black Lake.  Some fine folks were in the audience as well, and my good friends, the McGregors, even invited me for a quick lunch before I had to run to Westcliffe for an outdoor wedding and reception where we dodged the rain and enjoyed a beautiful evening of love, friends, and music.

Sunday was a backyard party in Cuchara playing with Dennis and Trudy that was chilly, but oh so enjoyable.  What a time we had!

What am I up to this week?

Friday I’m playing a free outdoor concert 6:30-8 at I Love Lucy’s Place RV Park in La Veta for some good folks.  I had a great time last year playing on their stage, and I’d love to have you there if you are in the area.

I just have the one gig to tell you about this week.  The summer is winding down.  Of course I always have my nursing facilities, retirement centers, and Alzheimer homes that I play, so my schedule is never empty.

Hope you have a great week!

Best always,


Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing an outdoor concert
Where:  I Love Lucy's Place RV Park, 226 W. Grand Avenue, La Veta. 719-742-3252
When:  Friday, August 26, 6:30- 8:00 pm

Monday, August 15, 2016

Bushwhacking and Trusting Your Instincts

Jen and I did some exploring yesterday in the mountains with our dog, Beau - following old roads up to a favorite spot of our family over the years. We took a different road than usual and ended up going to a different place above the spot, and then we bushwhacked and also took different roads down that took us to places I haven't been in 30 or more years. It reminded me of when I was a kid and used to spend many days exploring and traipsing around the mountains. I never worried about getting lost, because I always had a "sense" of where I was that I trusted. Somehow when you've spent a lot of time outdoors you have a feel for where you are and which way you need to go for how long to arrive at a certain destination. It's hard to explain, but it's something I've always possessed and cherished. I know that not everyone has this, so I don't recommend it to everyone, but I think in general we do have natural instincts for which way to go in our lives if we are quiet and listen closely enough to our senses and our intuition. We tend to look for guidance outside when we have very clear internal guidance that is there when we listen. So dare to bushwhack in  your life occasionally and see where your intuition leads you.

What happened last week?

Last week was a little slower because we took the weekend for R&R in the mountains (and some exploring - see above.)

Thursday was the Yellow Pine with great friends again. I was experimenting with the new guitars, and they both sounded very nice. We even had lots of dancers. It was a blast!

What am I up to this week?

Thursday 6:30-8:30 is the last time out for the barbecue at the Yellow Pine for the season. It should be a very special night, and I'm looking forward to it. It has been a wonderful season this year at the Yellow Pine with the new owners, the Evans'.  If you'd like to be there, please call 719-742-3528 by Tuesday evening for reservations.

Saturday I'll be playing Cowboy Day at Francisco Fort Museum in La Veta 10-12. I love the old cowboy tunes and lore, and I relish the chance to do a show of cowboy songs, especially since the smaller of the new guitars is a perfect "saddle" guitar - small and simple. Come on out if you can.

Saturday evening I'm playing a wedding and reception in Westcliffe that promises to be a lovely event. Congrats in advance, Barney and Linda!

Sunday evening I'm playing another back yard party in Cuchara along the river with Trudy and Dennis. This should be a really great time. The folks in Cuchara are such good people!

That's it for this week. Just a couple more weeks of craziness for the summer left. Enjoy it!

Best always,


Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing & singing at the Barbeque
Where:  Yellow Pine Guest Ranch, Cuchara.  719-742-3528
When:  Thursday, August 18, 6:30-8:30 pm

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing for Francisco Fort Cowboy Day
Where:  Francisco Fort, 306 S. Main, La Veta.  719-742-5501
When:  Saturday, August 20, 10 am-12 pm

Monday, August 8, 2016

New Guitars, New Possibilities

Well, I did get a new guitar. In fact, I got two. I know it seems fast since I just talked about thinking about them last week, but I've actually been considering these guitars for quite some time. I haven't purchased a nicer guitar in twenty years, and so it seems it is time. The two are both Martin guitars, and they're kind of complimentary - one with a small and sweet historic sound, and the other with a big, modern sound. They're both easier to get a good sound onstage with less gear than I usually use, and I'm not someone of late that is always looking at the latest thing, so I'm not worried about seeing greener grass on the other side of the fence. So what do I think so far and how will they affect my playing? Well, they seem to be more expressive and dynamic than the guitars I've used in the last few years, so that is already leading me to listen more and work with the interplay between guitar and voice. They haven't inspired any songs yet, but I don't expect that so soon.  As I play my regular repertoire I will see what their strengths are and when they sing out strong. It's an exciting time, and it drives my dreams in new ways. That's a good thing. 

What have I been up to?

Last week was a lot of fun as always. The summer is definitely waning, but I have several great gigs left. 

Thursday was Yellow Pine barbecue, and it was a few less people in attendance, but it was a stellar group of folks on a chilly and rainy evening. If my knuckle wasn't bothering me a bit I could have gone for hours. 

Saturday was my solo performance of the Song of Pueblo, and it went really well. It was interesting getting to play with the show a little bit and ad lib some. People told me they really enjoyed it, particularly the intensified intimacy that came from a solo show. We added Native American drummers to the Sand Creek ballad that gave the song an authenticity that was breathtaking. 

Sunday was a warm day at the Royal Gorge Bridge playing with the Atomic 
Fireballs. It was a blast getting to play some of the old 50's songs that we used to play so often. I miss that. 

What's up this week?

Thursday is the Yellow Pine barbecue, and they have extended it one more week due to popular demand, so if you wanted to come they have added next week as well. I can't wait. Call 719-742-3528 by Tuesday evening if you'd like to be there. I really enjoy these evenings, and I'd love to have you there. 

That's it for this week. I hope your summer is rounding out well. 



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing & singing at the Barbeque
Where:  Yellow Pine Guest Ranch, Cuchara.  719-742-3528
When:  Thursday, August 11, 6:30-8:30 pm

Monday, August 1, 2016

Thinking of a New Guitar

I've been trying to simplify my setup and start to pare down equipment (a consequence of realizing how much stuff my mom had and seeing how much I have), and this is leading me to buy a simpler guitar - at least one with less peripheral equipment. How is that worth a paragraph on my weekly missive? Well, each guitar has its own voice and feel that actually influences how I play and how I'm inspired. I know that may sound kind of odd, but it's true. There is an interaction and even a joy to playing some instruments that really does contribute to how I play. Sometimes it's the feel of the woodgrain on the neck or the fit of the shape against my body. Sometimes it's just the responsiveness of the instrument in volume and dynamics. Anyway it does make a difference that is real and noticeable. So what am I looking at? Actually a couple of Martin guitars. My first real guitar was a Martin, and I've owned a few others over the years. They've never been the best for me, but have always been workhorse guitars that did everything I asked of them. The ones I'm looking at have a sophisticated pickup system that incorporates the outboard gear I've been using for the past few years right into the guitar, and this should make my life easier - especially when playing in new locations or on different systems. Anyway, that's what I'm looking at. I'll let you know if I make the jump.

What have been up to?

Last week was a good one. Lots of friends and fans.

Thursday was Yellow Pine with friends I hadn't seen in years, Diana and Scott, coming down from up north with their kids and lots of other familiar faces. Beautiful night with even some sweet-smelling rain.

Friday was a backyard party that was way too much fun playing with Dennis and Trudy. There was even some rain there too, but it only added to the party atmosphere of the night. Thanks, Carolyn!

Saturday was playing for a Target 30-year anniversary that was really neat. Lots of prizes and smiles all around. It was great, Lauri and Ray!

What am I up to this week?

Thursday 6:30-8:30 is the Yellow Pine barbecue again, and I'm starting to miss it already because this week and next week are the last two weeks of the barbecue season. I will savor these last two times. It's always special and so enjoyable. If you'd like to be part of these last two, please call 719-742-3528 by Tuesday evening for a reservation. Seating is limited.

Saturday at 7:00 I'll be doing a special solo show of the Song of Pueblo in Cuchara at the Community Center. I'll have a couple native drummers to assist with me atmosphere and drumming on "Death at Sand Creek".  I've always thought I could do a great intimate solo show of this piece, and I've been pleasantly surprised at how engaging it has sounded in practice. I'd love to have you there. It's a benefit for the fire auxiliary in Cuchara.

Sunday I'll be playing with the Atomic Fireballs at the Royal Gorge Bridge 12:30-4:30. I had so much fun with them last time, and I'm sure this will be right in line. There's something so magical about playing music on the rim of that canyon, and of course I have a history up there of 30 years of playing so that it will always hold a place in my heart. Come on out!

That's it for this week. I hope your summer is rounding out nicely and that you're being good to yourself and others in this contentious election year.

Best always,


Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing & singing at the Barbeque
Where:  Yellow Pine Guest Ranch, Cuchara.  719-742-3528
When:  Thursday, August 4, 6:30-8:30 pm

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing, singing, & telling the history of Pueblo at the Song of Pueblo oratorio
Where:  Cuchara Community Center, Cuchara.
When:  Saturday, August 6, 7:00 pm

Who: Tom Munch and the Atomic Fireballs
What: playing and singing
Where: South side of the Royal Gorge at the Royal Gorge Bridge on the stage just off the bridge
When: Sunday , August 7, 12:30 am-4:30 pm