Monday, August 15, 2016

Bushwhacking and Trusting Your Instincts

Jen and I did some exploring yesterday in the mountains with our dog, Beau - following old roads up to a favorite spot of our family over the years. We took a different road than usual and ended up going to a different place above the spot, and then we bushwhacked and also took different roads down that took us to places I haven't been in 30 or more years. It reminded me of when I was a kid and used to spend many days exploring and traipsing around the mountains. I never worried about getting lost, because I always had a "sense" of where I was that I trusted. Somehow when you've spent a lot of time outdoors you have a feel for where you are and which way you need to go for how long to arrive at a certain destination. It's hard to explain, but it's something I've always possessed and cherished. I know that not everyone has this, so I don't recommend it to everyone, but I think in general we do have natural instincts for which way to go in our lives if we are quiet and listen closely enough to our senses and our intuition. We tend to look for guidance outside when we have very clear internal guidance that is there when we listen. So dare to bushwhack in  your life occasionally and see where your intuition leads you.

What happened last week?

Last week was a little slower because we took the weekend for R&R in the mountains (and some exploring - see above.)

Thursday was the Yellow Pine with great friends again. I was experimenting with the new guitars, and they both sounded very nice. We even had lots of dancers. It was a blast!

What am I up to this week?

Thursday 6:30-8:30 is the last time out for the barbecue at the Yellow Pine for the season. It should be a very special night, and I'm looking forward to it. It has been a wonderful season this year at the Yellow Pine with the new owners, the Evans'.  If you'd like to be there, please call 719-742-3528 by Tuesday evening for reservations.

Saturday I'll be playing Cowboy Day at Francisco Fort Museum in La Veta 10-12. I love the old cowboy tunes and lore, and I relish the chance to do a show of cowboy songs, especially since the smaller of the new guitars is a perfect "saddle" guitar - small and simple. Come on out if you can.

Saturday evening I'm playing a wedding and reception in Westcliffe that promises to be a lovely event. Congrats in advance, Barney and Linda!

Sunday evening I'm playing another back yard party in Cuchara along the river with Trudy and Dennis. This should be a really great time. The folks in Cuchara are such good people!

That's it for this week. Just a couple more weeks of craziness for the summer left. Enjoy it!

Best always,


Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing & singing at the Barbeque
Where:  Yellow Pine Guest Ranch, Cuchara.  719-742-3528
When:  Thursday, August 18, 6:30-8:30 pm

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing for Francisco Fort Cowboy Day
Where:  Francisco Fort, 306 S. Main, La Veta.  719-742-5501
When:  Saturday, August 20, 10 am-12 pm

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