I spent the weekend in the mountains getting our old cabins open for the summer - opening shutters, draining antifreeze, opening chimneys, cleaning up rodent calling cards, etc. - and I’m always refreshed and made new by being in nature and the great outdoors. It’s honestly a little amazing how just a little time outdoors can reconnect us to who we are and what our place is in the universe. We are part of the world and the universe - made up of all the same reactions and atoms and part of the same forces physically and spiritually that shape everything we see around us. Being in nature seems to enhance this understanding intuitively. This is calming and exciting at the same time, and the wonder you feel can remind you that our daily worries are very small in the grand scheme of everything.
What have I been up to?
My online concert last Sunday went really well! I played off the cuff from my favorites list and hit some really special songs that brought me joy in the sharing and playing of them. Thanks to everyone who tuned in! My apologies that I set the concert up wrong on the website so that it had a ticket price of “pay what you want.” This meant that you didn’t have to pay anything, but it was confusing to folks since it’s usually set as free. I already have next month’s set as free.
What am I up to this week?
This is the first week of the season for the Yellow Pine Thursday-night Barbeque. This is one of the highlights of my summer! If you’ve never been, it’s a Texas-style barbeque in the old barn at the Yellow Pine Guest Ranch in Cuchara, Colorado, where I play for dinner and then dancing and listening afterwards. The feeling in the barn is so cool, and the food and camaraderie is so special that I have a great time playing for this! I think this is the 16th season I have played the barbeque at the Yellow Pine and the friends I have made up there are really special. Come join in if you can. You need to make reservations by Tuesday so that they can plan the right amount of food, and you may want to call a week or more in advance because the evening sells out often - especially in July. Call 719-742-3528 for reservations.
That’s it for this week. Check my website for other dates if you’re interested in other places I’m playing and stay tuned. http://tommunch.com
Best always,
Details this week:
Who: Tom Munch
What: playing & singing at the Barbeque
Where: Yellow Pine Guest Ranch, Cuchara. 719-742-3528
When: Thursday, June 8, 6:30-8:30 pm
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