Monday, June 26, 2017

What Is Truth?

I'm struggling with something this morning. I told a historical story on Saturday that I had researched and told many times. Shortly thereafter someone else told a different contradictory story about the same event. I deferred to them because I figured my memory might be faulty, but I researched again this morning and found that my story was correct. I thought about sending a link to the person who told the other story, but I decided not to - even though it goes against my grain to let history be incorrect. But it opened up a bigger topic in my thoughts - what really is truth? I don't think that even if something is proven scientifically that it is absolutely true. I'm still open to what some might call "magical thinking" because I've seen too many things I couldn't explain. This may brand me as "simple" in some folks' eyes, but I have my own inkling of what is true. I suspect we all do. Some see this as a major problem in our world that leads to uninformed decisions. I see this, but I also don't want to close myself off to new paradigms and explanations that science hasn't broadened enough to study yet. The science I have studied has taught me that the world is a much more wonderful and mysterious place than we tend to believe - especially in the quantum realm where the laws seem to contradict what we know in our bigger visual world. It makes for an interesting experience in this life - separating the wheat truth from the chaff truth. Stay curious and thoughtful, my friends!

What have I been up to?

Thursday at the Yellow Pine Barbeque was a little slow last week. I need to sell it better. A friend told me that there's nothing that can compare to the atmosphere of the old barn where we enjoy yummy barbeque and share bygone western tunes and hospitality, and the campfire where kids can roast marshmallows and make s'mores. Does this sound good to you? Then come on out if you can!

Saturday was interesting. I got a rock in my windshield that blew glass onto my head and lap. My Subaru also lit up pretty much every light on the dashboard to check most of the systems - Check engine, AT Oil Temp, Vehicle Stability, ABS, Hill Holder, Cruise, and Sport Shift. I think the computer is fried. It still runs great though! Then my voice disappeared in the middle of a song at the wedding. It came back within a few notes luckily. What a day! I just wanted to go home and go to bed. But I did have two good gigs.

Saturday was cowboy tunes in the old patio of the Francisco Fort in La Veta. I had a great crowd for my set of trail-drive and movie cowboy songs, and then I shared the stage with Will Dudley, Kurt Corsair, and Peggy Godfrey in a round-robin of tunes and poetry.

Saturday was also a beautiful mountain wedding for Erin and Mark in the chapel in Cuchara. Congratulations, you two!

Sunday was my first time of the season playing for the Scouts heading to Philmont Scout Ranch after rafting the Arkansas River. They had a wild ride on very fast water with winds whipping the canyon. Sounds like fun, no?!

What's up this week?

Tuesday I'm playing for rafting Scouts again. I can't wait.

Thursday 6:30-8:30 I'm back at the Yellow Pine Barbeque. I'll sell it again. It is a really cool place for some good eats, hospitality, and music. You don't want to miss it if you are in the area. It's a Cuchara tradition! Call 719-742-3528 to reserve a table for your family.

Saturday 11-1 I'm playing for SPACe (Spanish Peaks Arts Council) Art in the Park in La Veta. This is always a fun event with handmade art, food, and music. Come on out!

Sunday 9:30 and 11 I'm playing for church services in Cuchara at the chapel where I played the wedding last week. I love little mountain chapels - I went to several with my grandparents on summer vacation in the mountains when I was a kid where we even had deer grazing next to us at outdoor chapels.

Sunday evening 7-8ish MDT I'm playing my monthly first-Sunday online concert from our living room. I haven't picked out any sort of theme, but I made a list recently of some of my absolute favorite songs that I've gathered and written, and I think I'll pick songs from that list. Think of it like the list of essential songs that Johnny Cash made for his daughter, RoseAnne, that she picks songs for her album, "The List".

I think I'd better close on that note. There's a busy week ahead, and today has several commitments - fix the car and windshield, change guitar strings, cut weeds, and we're going to see a possible new cat today. Be good to each other, and love life!

Best always,


Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing & singing at the Barbeque
Where:  Yellow Pine Guest Ranch, Cuchara.  719-742-3528
When:  Thursday, June 29, 6:30-8:30 pm

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing for Space Art in the Park
Where:  Ryus Ave as you enter on the right - just cross the tracks in La Veta
When:  Saturday, July 1, 11-1 pm

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing for church services
Where:  Cuchara Chapel, Cuchara, CO
When:  Sunday, July 2, 9:30 and 11:00

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing
Where:  online at
When:  Sunday, July 2, 7-8ish pm MST

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